
10/15/20 based on service quality, if you live in a region where minimum wage applies to servers.

I don’t know if this is because I’m in the relative middle of nowhere while still being in a city of a million people, but what I constantly catch amazon in is being issued a guaranteed delivery date and getting it 1-2 days later.

Did you ever consider including a photo or two of the subject of this article? I’m invested now in her story and there is obviously a visual component to it- but I’m not about to google image search a serious dermatological condition, what with how the internet is.

At this point if you offered me a forced choice of being disemboweled by zombies, or having to start watching this show again, it would be a tough choice.

Never heard of him. (which was really my point all along, I did indeed google him before shitposting)

Winrich Kolbe

Is it because I’m Canadian that I’m like “oh my god you have to be kidding me people don’t know this?”

....even if I’m responding to a comment that expresses ....some emotion I don’t know how to to how these stories reveal things about EA?

Can I ask a dumb question, but what does “Air Miles” mean here?

To be fair, Samantha Allen is kinda-sorta a total asshole on a pretty regular occasion. I admire her perspective and glad she fights for it but I can’t stand it when she bleeds into my circle.

Still, this all reads as a bunch of people punching sideways when there are so many many people above them deserving attention.

I hope you don’t come away from these articles feeling like they are an accurate representation. They are a controlled message, dolled out deliberately and, usually, endorsed with the thin veneer of “journalisim” the gaming press likes to pretend it has.

He sure does have an inexplicable fondness for Nic Cage.


Ok this was definitely explained. Even *I* know that.

I’m with you on that, but you think they would have immediately thrown one at the FUCKING DEATH STAR, no?

So what measure are you using to build the theory that the franchise was actually damaged by The Last Jedi?

So is there a bloggers toolkit that Disney put out for this film? Since theatrical release, there have been way too many, and way too precisely specific, posts here about it. I’m trying to decide if I’m paranoid in my old age, or if you really can see the wires holding up the show - in my mind I am seeing a long

Based on this article I bought one of the Oracle games to give it a go.

We love the video games, cartoons, and comics of our youth because they had hidden depths, layers that we either added or discovered in engaging with them.

I agree. In so far as I really didn’t feel like I understood most of it, that is.