
what the fuck is an argo?

I posted in haste. Between the two of us there are 3 tattoos and over a dozen piercing experiences at quality locations.

I’m not taking my kid there.

And I know I’m not taking them to Claires.

So...what’s left?

So where do I take my 5 year old gunning for ear piercings like 90% of her kindergarten mates?

Because I’m not taking her to a tattoo parlour.

God did I hate that tradition.

The problem being discussed here is dirt clogging key components of the device. We had the same issue with the model prior to the V8....which I think was the 6? ...and were told out of warranty we needed to replace the whole unit. Then I realized I bought that one at Costco and you bet your ass I wasn’t 100%

The show is definitely hitting its stride.

I really didn’t think this sketch committed the errors of stereotype as stated in this article.

I strongly feel that Lady Bird was NOT overrated, but really should not win a single award. It was really really really really good ....but never great. The one or two scenes where it tried to be great ended up being overwritten hamfisted lines stuck into the middle of a charming fucking movie.

We cancelled our plans to watch The Shape of Water last night to catch up on Get Out, which we somehow missed. I told the partner it was one of, if not the, most important race film of the year. I tell her it was a horror/thriller movie.

Random question, apropos of little, has there every been a whisper of the new Star Wars creative megalith remaking the prequels? Because every time I think of that, I can’t resist finding it a compelling idea worth of attention. Sure its completely unprecedented, but it would be just fabulous to have those mistakes

Guys I just wanted to share that when I sat down at the computer just now I realized that the Wendy’s taco salad I ate an hour ago had matured into a pretty substantial fart. Since I was reading this article when I leaned over to let it rip - and I had to slow it down some as it had some momentum - I sort of

*did* import it, seems a better expression.

Kinda seems to have locked itself down after the civil war settled meteorite.

...ignore me i was very wrong

Is it not the case that the hindu faith in general is pretty chill about their pantheon of dieties? I remember reading comic books about hindu mythology (I had a weird childhood) that seemed to be authentic tools of hindu learning while also seeming shockingly sacrilegious from a judeochristian perspective. I can’t

Well I can’t begrudge him that. Without that tactic I’d still be a virgin.

As a Canadian I was pretty isolate from that. From MTV as well, as others have mentioned his prominence there....well implied it at least....

I’m not sure what we can do about this because of one simple fact: nicotine is fucking amazing and it is a tremendous relief to be addicted to it. Now I’m 100% non-vape NRT in my life now, but I love my nicotine mist and you can pry it out of my cold dead hands when....I am cold and dead. Or I learn new coping

Didn’t Rogue One use this scream when Jyn dropped. Stormtrooper off the landing platform (about 1h in)?

I thought the context clues indicated it *was*. A simple mistake (And I wasn’t about to watch the video).

This is basically why I don’t read comics, with a few exceptions. If you don’t have self respect for your characters and story, why would I? I kind of find it depressing how much people want the reassurance of familiarity in their purchasing choices. It seems so stagnating.