
I am having a very hard time believing that this quantity of IT references have occurred organically in the Gizmodo Media Group blog family.

So, question, does Gizmodo Media Group have a policy on the clear and consistent labeling of advertorial content, and the disclosure when compensation has been received even if it award zero of this in game currency when idle or not moving.

It isn’t terrible.

I’m not sure if this is true. I tried using Waze once to optimize the routes I needed to travel while my wife was on maternity leave. Its kept trying to direct me down a road closed for construction for the next three years.

While the Con experience is unique, I think describing it as desirable or pleasant is a ruse or deliberate con nerds foist on one another in fulfillment of their role in the consumerist cog machine of pop culture.

I guess you do get to meet new people and thats kind of nice.

Can you please provide a TL;DR; for this comment?

Excuse me. I hate to be a pedant. But I think this is actually a correction that is highly relevant to the final outcome.

If you were an employee, and the employer established a confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure, wouldn’t that apply to all staff? Now, sure, maybe someone forgot to tell you, but your employment contract would bind you too it all the same.

Honest question - if you are young and undocumented, what exactly is the government going to do to you if you don’t volunteer information about your heritage or where your parents come from?

I started genuinely thinking about this regarding someone who might actually genuinely not know where their parents brought them

Chewbacca got a space dog?

...what the hell is a porg?

I don’t think its right to mock and deride it but....I really do think the gamer culture needs to start doing a better job taking care of each other. Amplifying and celebrating the parts of the industry that take advantage of us the most is morally wrong, to me. One of my favorite programmers I ever worked with in the

Yes, it sometimes is. Changing rooms and showers. Would you like men (sorry, non identified humans who look like men) to snoop around or share a shower with you?

So, basically, Arya really did intend to kill Sansa

last night was also the first time I was able to destroy an enemy shit

Yes! Better that they should die and decrease the surplus population!

So is that a very comprehensive explanation leading to “they forgot to compile lightmaps for that area?”

yeah my independant VW service shop just started charging $50 for having your codes read, which led to the impulse purchase of the device (I looked it up, got a Veepeek Wifi)

yeah my independant VW service shop just started charging $50 for having your codes read, which led to the impulse

I have a different cheap dongle but am having one hell of a time finding a good enough app on iOS to make it go.

I have a different cheap dongle but am having one hell of a time finding a good enough app on iOS to make it go.

I am sad to report to the masses of commentators that I continue to have an immense amount of fun with this game at bi-annual family get togethers.

I am sad to report to the masses of commentators that I continue to have an immense amount of fun with this game at