
I think you are oversimplifying. I mean thats just a sort of technical word play - it pretty clearly is a flag symbolizing the southern states. ...isn’t it? I’m an outsider and should have shut up a while ago.

It is not a long drawn out stupid joke.

So has anyone figured out the all-in cost of these electric truck miles? Price for the power, price for the batteries, price to replace the batteries on a reasonable schedule, etc.

Up here in Canada this has turned into a productive conversation of questioning the value of our heritage in the light of atrocities against indigenous populations.

So what I dislike about your comment (who care right?) and I think makes it non-productive for a good outcome (the reason I bother to type this shit) is

Is the scale a useful feature? You can’t really stuff a carryon size bag to the point where weight limits kick in.

Is the scale a useful feature? You can’t really stuff a carryon size bag to the point where weight limits kick in.

So what is the status of the BBC response to losing bake off, which IIRC has the other 75% of the cast attached to it and frankly I’m much more interested in?

I simply could not help myself and reviewed some of the relevant material to ensure I wasn’t *completely* off base.

Unless there is more to the Stanhope line of thinking than the single claim on Facebook that went unelaborated on, I do not think it is reasonable to conclude that Stanhope actually claimed the blind item

I realize I’m pretty slow on this, but it’s only within the last year I went out of my way to watch Blazing Saddles. It blew my frickin’ head of as I had no idea the racial overtones of it (thats why the “silly cowboy movie about farts” got consistently overlooked). That is a damn solid film and, as you say, quite a

In the US you’d need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt negligence or malice. It seems on a preponderance of the evidence this would be very very hard to do.

But I don’t follow your reasoning on the accusation that they fabricated a claim. Mind you, I don’t have the time or interest to scrutinize the available

I definitely come away from this comment thread finding your specific level of interest in this very disconcerting, and that your comments have implied and insinuated (and in the end flat out stated) more made up stuff than the Gawker-associated bloggers here ever did.

And I think the only other thing I’ve not seen

So my wife sense the building sexual tension and says “Wait a minute...” and then recaps the implied and expressed genealogy of the Targaryen clan. I confirm it. And she gets a totally disgusted look on her face.

....ok what is with the sudden burst of fresh complaining about Kinja.

I was totally willing to let that side as now, at an age well north of 29, I myself am starting to let go of being a surly teenager.

Has nobody yet mentioned that they will both kill Littlefinger and Arya will take his face/place to secure the support of the Vale?

Once there was a bit of time between Whedon project I found Whedonesque a little bit...alarming? I kind of had this deep unsettled feeling about bestowing any actor who had ever come close enough to smell as Whedonfart some kind of special classification worthy of a topical blog.

I realize amid the discussions of his

I agree with much of the other commentary that is about her suffering not really matching the accusations she levies, but if you are inclined to go on the “defensive” for Joss and attack the author are really living your life wrong.

This description is disingenuous. BioWare Edmonton did not absorb Montreal. Montreal was cut loose and the staff either fired or transferred to other studios - primarily EA Motive.

I definitely read it this way and really haven’t the slightest clue why people seem to be trying so hard to find another interpretation.

Diruit aedificat mutat quadrata rotundis.

When I started to digest the published comments here I was thinking that the regulators just wanted a slice of that tasty TGT money bag - but then I saw the part about the safety implications of electric vehicles and considered how badly this could have gone.