
Reviewing the findings, it looks to me like there are many ways to have said “yes” and been compliant with the regulations in effect. I didn’t infer a desire to prohibit such collaborations.

This glosses over entirely the psychological value of picking a discipline for your life, and adhering to it. It certainly seems to me that while there is an incredibly amount of, should I call it arbitrariness?... to what lifestyle, ethos, philosophy, diet, and habits one espouses, committing to them and living

I am, as a matter of education and cultural awareness, listening to Ready Player One right now. The writing is very very poor but the plot is kind of interesting. I’ve just gotten past the introduction of a key villain and he was so excessively cartoonishly evil that it made me a lot happier, as the early text borders

You are failing to articulate some key points. You only need to clear the inclusion of products with the brand owners as a means of mitigating risk. You absolutely can put whatever product you want in whatever artistic context you want. But, if the owner of the brand thinks it damages the reputation of the brand they

Some of these comments make me think the title of the post needed to include “but you also know you don’t need to not cook corn too” and it makes me kind of grumpy and sad.

Who has two thumbs and is getting Ukrainian for lunch?

...why is it called Parmageddon if it doesn’t involve Parmesan cheese?

...the interview was in an armoured car?

As I watched this episode I had no problems with what I was seeing. I enjoyed it and didn’t come away with an urge to bitch.

But I’ve also developed a strong feeling that the anticipation of what was to come was by far the real enjoyment of this series. And, well, thats kind of comparable to all things in life. No

So when that happens on a test drive, who pays for the repair?

Would someone at whatever relevant media empire calls the shots on this sort of thing please put Dr. NerdLove out of its misery.

I’m not going to commit to a incriminating statement on the public record but having worked many years in the public service I will.....stop talking now.

Having read the full transcript of that interview, that was AWESOME.

I’m thinking, based on crossing 100 stars in a short time, its a regional thing.

I am really enjoying the new Twin Peaks, but two things I’d like to get out there.

Oh, I agree with that. I guess I prematurely commented, as what I’ve never actually heard of is leaving a cash tip when charging the bill.

If ever I was to do such a thing I would put a zero on the tip line and ensure the total is correctly filled in.

I have never heard of this before in my many decades on the planet.

Would it have been too much to summarize all the different possibilities of meaning next to each other?

So is this a walking simulator akin to Everbody Has Gone To The Rapture? I love those things. I had to gloss over the review as I avoid reviews of games I intend to play and I’m suddenly quite interested.

(Oddly, Blizzard would not give Jay Wilson permission to be interviewed for this book.)