
I don’t know if any one will be reading through grey comments this long after the article went up but I want to ask somewhere - ok so what Bran said to me was that he saw Sansa getting married. Indeed, his description of the even was so vague and cliched that honestly I wouldn’t really be motivated (if I was Sansa) to

No it isn’t.

There is a really small amount of information to run with here, but there are many many many many ways for the provided statements to be true and the kids and adults to all be absolutely fine. What was provided here read much more like the participation in domestic duties was of interest, not the kids. Respondents

You know, I just realized the potential for an IT reboot being set under the premise that the original demise of the demon didn’t stick, just like how in the books the kids think they got it but they actually didn’t - so the 2017 film is a new cycle of the same violence.

So what on earth is with the way that one guy is wearing his shirt?

Down in front. I can’t see the TV. Pass the popcorn.

I agree and I cannot wait to watch this.

Shut the fuck up!

I thought this film was mostly delightful, but I did not feel like it earned the twist that moved it from the second to third act. My local indie cinema audience threw popcorn when I actually loudly whispered you have to be kidding me!” (my inner monologue was shrieking)

I know I wanted to find a well full of water and descend until I drank it all, head popping be damned.

I was half into a donair kebab when it came on and I needed to take a break. And I loves me some donair kebab.

How about that cut to the pie eating? That scene had me more disoriented than anything Lynch has pulled on this season of Twin Peaks and that is saying something.

I think it very well exemplifies a key aspect of what made Twin Peaks unique, but it has definitely thrown a lot of things we liked out the window while doing so. I, for one, remain pleased with the outcome.

This story is about trademarks. Not patents.

This column is the worst thing I come across on the internet on a regular basis. Harris, if you actually *care* for *humanity* stop dispensing advice. Honestly this column makes me think the advice profession should be regulated : to wit, this column hurts the people its trying to help. Every. God. Damned. Time.

So, at Disneyland, what is getting bulldozed to make room for this?

Came here to post this. Did not leave disappointed. I assume, accounting for my own ignorance and giving full benefit of the doubt to the set designers, this is how signs are structured in Asian languages.

So why the heck do they not just close the beach here?

I too do not understand this.

I’m really much less interested in playing Half-Life again than I should be because I know the story doesn’t go anywhere that looks like completion. I hate to harp on the issue but gosh they should just tie the story up in a bow. I suppose at some point on some later technology HL3 will show up and blow our pants off