
I am just saying what everyone is talking about. Get your shit together already.

Frankly I think this entire analysis is missing the mark entirely. To assure the best orgasmic outcomes it is the female that must use her tongue.

You savage. Its up up down down left right left right B A start.

I am talking about how your analysis contradicts the article. Although I concede I’m also taking a shot at the “established wisdom” that mushrooms soak up water like a sponge and washing is forbidden, and attributed to you a belief in that wisdom that is kind of unfair. Sorry.

But there is a big world of difference

It’s like you have not paid attention to this article. It’s been common knowledge for ages (its gotta be 10 years since Good Eats ripped it apart) that nearly zero moisture is added by washing mushrooms. Urban legend/old wives tale.

I hold my tongue every time. Sigh.

There is a typo in the headline. I assume you meant “HIV Rates Decline, BUTT!”

I’m sure the crossdressers in the audience don’t feel disparaged, minimized, or denigrated by your definitions at all.

I myself found the Matrix only enjoyable in the context of the trilogy. I found it an overhyped, overstyled, and vacuous film when I first saw it. While an editor was desperately needed, I really really enjoyed the trilogy as a whole and appreciate much more what the first one needed to do to get us there.

Oh my god thank you. His output is so blase, and he has such an obnoxious personality - he is riding his lineage and connections, not in any way getting by on talent.

Because it was on PS Plus I tried Yakuza 5. After a long series of cutscenes that made little sense, I was tasked to find a gift to take to a competing taxi firm. The only items I could find to purchase using the in game map were comic books and bottles of Orangina. Neither seemed appropriate.

He has just recently applied for an absolute discharge to clear his record and allow for travel back to China to visit family.

My kids, age 4 and 2, have no idea why I start calling them The Cheat when they play with the light switch.

But in complete honesty I always found everything that wasn’t a SBEmail pretty much garbage. Those emails were gold, though.

I was enthralled with this game until I got into the end game. The only puzzle I needed any help on was the one to open up the mountain gate.

I immediately lost all interest in the game once I was in there. No idea why. Prior to that I’d collected most of the videos under the windmill and found the editorial choices

I thought Lastpass had been cut from the “list of companies you can trust with sensitive information”. (1Password user here)

I have played games on a mobile device (I love the 3DS on the train) and I have played games on the couch. Never has the transition between the two felt like an issue I wanted a solution to. I’m not at all sold the unique selling proposition here is something I desire - but perhaps that is because there has never been

I just cancelled my SiriusXM (which, actually means I cancelled both my Sirius and my XM because they are still different things because I believe their primary means of subscriber retention is confusion).

Anyway, I just cancelled, and have no idea why I held out so long.

I just upgraded and was shocked with how easy it was -as long as you have PS Plus and don’t care about data caps. Less than 10 minutes to swap the drive. Logged into my account and my saves redownloaded. Then I chose which games to reinstall first. I’ve been adding one or two more a day as the week stretches on

If he wants to fight the ticket he should tho. I bet the officer won’t show up

Let’s get not crazy here.

Kinder Eggs use pretty low grade, honestly terrible, chocolate. I mean, the edible kind of terrible like Jack in the Box tacos and hot pockets. But terrible all the same.