
This is the second incidence of TRL I have come across in these comments.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

In my mind it was the first one ever, but it might have just been the first one I ever saw: ET was a glow in the dark green. BLEW MY MIND.

I have enjoyed reading the comments that identify this as native advertising, and the deathmatch over accuracy.

I found it really odd that infrared thermometers (the current champion of “how to get a 2 year old to give you a temperature reading) are not mentioned at all - but once I realized this was advertising that

I have never understood being unhappy about the cliffhanger.

I think it is abundantly obvious that nobody requires my approval to live their lives however they choose. Duh.

And hey I love western medicine, but you seem to be carrying an implied assertion that naturally derived treatments are implicitly safer than others. This is not true. I might have invited that with my choice

Trigger warning. Please don’t read this if you are transitioning or have issues around your transition.
I have the highest respect for people expressing their gender identity however they choose. I myself identify as genderqueer but the details are not relevant.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a cosplay routine that screams “I WANT ATTENTION” more than this, which is really what I think about every time I see cosplay.

I’m very left leaning, and not American. But this firing makes complete sense. You agree to a very specific kind of relationship when you sign on to be a living representation of a concept of company or whatever the definition of this is. Your entire personal character is directly related to your work. It’s kind of

I understand there is some consensus on this being a problem for people. Having hit that puzzle yesterday (unless there was more than one of course) I must say....I have no idea how this could be misunderstood, and the pedantic burps25 seems, ultimately and unfortunately, perfectly correct in this circumstance.

I’m Canadian. All I know how to do is apologize.

Having read the article I was curious about the story alluded to and happy to see it posted here. Due to the infinite amount of bits on the internet, we can have all sorts of conversations about the issue of substance AND this little aside both on here AT THE SAME TIME.

Wow, I mean, what else can you say. Wow.

You sure do like to hear yourself talk.

Seriously, nobody has posted a JOI related joke yet?

I remember paying $800 for a nVidia GeForce 4 Ti4600

What an idiot I was

I find the description here so cut and dried that I cannot resist the desire to conclude that this is entirely driven out of internalized frustration regarding real world goals. I have long held this is a huge driving force in “lifestyle” game products that demand constant time/attention and money.

This is important to

This might be totally low rent, but anything past the middle of the list towards full bodied reds is totally going to noticeably benefit from a pour through a shower into a decanter.

No no no it is Cumerbund Bandersnatch.

What the hell is a detent?

I was going to reply that women never have a legitimate claim (hey blame GRRM not me), but clearly Lady Mormont does. Google did not help me unpack that.

So a few unpopular comments. I’m not sure if I’m a closet misogynist or if this is unavoidable due to the way the show is structured (where any negativity against a protagonist is going to also be against woman who has been putting up with abusive men)