
Not at all. I think you have a strong argument if you go after non-white people not being offered opportunities to play the roles that can earn Oscars too. I think that would be an argument of substance.

Arguing that the actors in Creed should have gotten nominations is, on the cold facts of the matter, just silly and

We’re gonna tie ourselves up in knots if we treat “why didn’t X get nominated” and “why did Y get nominated” as the same conversation.

I am only saying that it really stretches credibility to suggest that the actors in Creed did not get nominated because they were black. To me. Based on my reading of that film. Which

I never know how to process this issue fairly and with due deference to my privilege as a white male. I’ve not seen Beast of No Nation, and I love Idris Elba, so maybe that is a solid argument.

I had a much easier time getting behind this sentiment last year. I can hardly think of any performances that were overlooked this year. Concussion? Creed? I really didn’t think that was Oscar worthy, and would have considered a nomination tokenism.

I back a fair number of tabletop games.

I have never, and will never, back a video game. Way way way way way too many ways to go wrong.

Listening to local radio butcher Saoirse Ronan’s name has been fun.

I always find it difficult to read a large volume of Kinja comments in one sitting as the navigation seems hostile to doing so. But I did my best and did not see one error in the text corrected.

God I hope that isn’t a typo.

Do not remake the prequels.

It sounds based on the other comments that the issue at play here is your merchants are idiots.

This sounds like someone who has ignored 30+ years of EU

Oh you could use one per item here to. But I don’t see how that gets you very far as coupons are such small values. Results as shown on these dumb TV shows are much much much more than one coupon per item.

I never understood how this was supposed to work. All the coupons I’ve ever seen (not in the USA, maybe that is why) limit you to one per transaction.

I’ve never even heard of any of the individual or brand names mentioned in this article.

Due to a frustrating family that changes plans and a promotional screening from the people who made my car I ended up seeing it 3 times in 12 hours.

So this star powered super weapon. ... What were they planning to do with it after two shots and the sun was gone?

While I thought the original trilogy references were laid on awfully thick,and coincidences that were a bit hard to swallow, and it was 30 minutes too long, I liked it. There were a number of plot inconsistencies but only one bothers me.

Ultimately, whether if you agree or not that her death resolved her story satisfactorily, it’s hard to disagree with the fact that much of Clara’s time on Doctor Who was wasted figuring out who she should ultimately be.

It’s bloody difficult to review comments en masse to avoid duplication so apologies if someone beat me to this.

I did not know that