
Guess I could use a bathroom echo?

Guess I could use a bathroom echo?

Anyone not seeing canary for the 149? When I click it’s $167.95

Anyone not seeing canary for the 149? When I click it’s $167.95

Dude, you’re a ba-jillionaire. Fucking stop being a tool and enjoy your wealth. Live your life and do good.

I did for PSP

I came to this country when I was 5. I was illegal when my mom decided us to stay. I had a hard time finding a school to take me in. We had to move for us to get me close to a school I could attend that I would be zoned in.

Where the fuck was this before the election? After all the shit that went down, people speak up now? After he’s officially president elect? GTFO

Nah, uncle Joe can’t handle the heat. He’s a cool bro but not presidential material. I think Michelle is going to run. She’s the ubiquitous opposite of Trump. Women who didn’t trust Hillary + the women who felt betrayed by Trump’s broken promises. Obvs the minority vote. Stronger dem turn out since we lost this one

I’m hoping to make it!

So if you’re gonna use this, don’t expect much horsepower obviously...

So if you’re gonna use this, don’t expect much horsepower obviously...

I’m still a Spotify guy. I dunno, with Apple Music and Google Play picking up steam, I might have to make the ol’ switcheroo. I’ve yet to however see anything to make me jump ship just yet.

I’ll trade him my HBOGO password so he can see the Jinx to see his own guilt, in exchange for his Hulu password. Or his admittance that he’s a murderer.

Peruvian ceviche is literally my favorite dish of all time

C’mon. Are we really surprised? What’s the next shocker? Ailes and Trump working together??? BLASPHEMY

Uncle Joe is the man!

I hope we’re all on in agreement on this, but speaking as a single, adult, male: if we’re about to have sex with you, don’t be insecure.

“Anything with an LED display out of the room”

You think Katrina ever runs out of the babies she has to eat for sustenance before she slumbers in her coffin every night?

SO TRUE. It would have been nice... we have next year.

You know what moved me into tears?

In prison, men who are strong as men get raped. Men also have gotten drugged. There’s so many things wrong with this statement. It just feels like these assholes are trying to justify rape and criminalize the victim. Why can’t reasonable people see that this is what Trump as president would be like? SAD!