
Well, in their defense, Both portable God of Wars rocked and as did Resistance. As did the GTA's. So if trends continue...

It's easy.

No wonder they're protesting!!

This is exactly how zombie apocalypses start....

You're missing Poe having delusions of seeing beating hearts.

EA is making mobile games, even on the Android platform. My money's on they're def making games for the system.

Can we ban douchebag senators then?

I call fake. Same characters from first one. No swat, then im not sold.

Now give us a cool not phone version, and I'll give you my $299.99.

Simple: It's a double standard.

Any word on Extraction with the Move controller?

Has anyone had the courage to trip on acid and then play dead space 2?

I dunno about you guys but I'm actually in the mood for taco bell now.

Yea, let's blame the beverage company and not the idiots. Real smart....

Why isn't it ready for school's yet?

Kitty Purry

Eh, I'm grandfathered into unlimited, and my company pays 85 doll hairs of my phone bill. You're gonna need a little more than that to make me switch teams.

Rest in peace old timer. You body may have called it day, but your memory still has a few sets to go.

@danzor!: He could buy 100 of em...
