
A common misconception of auto insurance is that it's solely based off of your driving record. That has a lot to do with it, yes. But auto insurance is a shared risk. You are sharing the risk with people who live/work in your area. Sure YOU may be a good driver, but what about your neighbor?

Plus the state minimum for liability isn't much cheaper than higher limits.

This. So much this.

What you did there, I see it.

What you did there. I see it.

Ooh. I JUST found that game last week at my parents' house. Along with all the other WCW and WWF N64 games. I'll be busy with them for a while.

It's only topping on one side. The other side is bottoming.

Its not fer me. Its fer me ma.

Actually, I DID confuse the developers. Carry on.

Or are you mixing this up with The Last of Us.

Or are you confusing this with the Last of Us.

This must've been a poor mod. GM didn't make 4th gens with T tops. Did they?

Or the former. 3 tons of metal is a hell of a weapon.

I highly doubt a lot of manufacturers would want their vehicles associated with GTA.

Karl Pilkington?

And found boobs.

Although Deadpool was already a rip-off of another character.

That the more people that buy a product, the better it is?

Oh. I thought we were just posting various amazon statistics...

Playstation - 1 day in the top 100