Im entirely confident you could buy a baller house in Norman, Oklahoma – or whatever god forsaken town you live in. But for the rest of us that live in big cities 400k would barely buy you a serviceable garage.
Im entirely confident you could buy a baller house in Norman, Oklahoma – or whatever god forsaken town you live in. But for the rest of us that live in big cities 400k would barely buy you a serviceable garage.
All the drama on the crowd funding, Max getting banned from the other 4x4 group, “crazy ex” apparently saying he was taking the money, and of course all of the other drama made the story even more interesting above and beyond the 4runner overlanding into a mud pit.
... reminds me of a delorean truck or something from a dystopian future. Both make me love it for some odd reason.
... likely a refocusing of those interested in watching the game to smaller subset. Perhaps Im jaded, but I think the league has probably done more studies on this proposal than your average commenter on Deadspin.
I’ve attended the IndyCar race at Pocono every year for the last five years. I saw Wilson die. I saw Wickens’ accident. I saw the accident last night
... fun road to ride, drive, or bike on - but not the best road to be going too fast on. RIP.
... combine together and bargain as one if its that important to US*NT.
... if they thought they could turn a profit in LA - they would be there in a heartbeat.
.... no batteries were harmed in his electric slide.
... ya, ripping up offroad land to show how much we love the environment doesnt quite make a whole heck of alot of sense - even if done with battery powered car-truck things.
... I want to see them work for their 500 bucks. :P
... seems like a gripe. Does not seem like a “huge catch” either.
Thank you! Most people miss this concept.
... people spending 300 for a porsche may not give a shit that anyone knows they paid 300k for a porsche. IE: many people with real money arent interested in looking like a new-money tool.
I’m actually a little surprised the jeep wasnt impounded somewhere along the voyage. I love the concept of a beater and these stories about the 500 jeep, but I cringe when I consider a vehicle rolling down the roads w/o wipers and who knows what else. Safe travels man.
... I have no kids, and Im thankful cause some of the Wifi network names around me are quite frankly utterly profane. So, I could see someone wanting this ability.
... welp, I guess I should give my undergrad minor back since apparently some rando on the net suggests I cant do math. The issue you lack is perspective - its a 7 dollar fee per person... even if you were a mormon with 10 kids and 3 wives that would only be 100 bucks over three years. Loading up the cargo van to the…
They are private entities that should return value to their shareholders, but I struggle when at the same time they’re private businesses they are subsidized heavily though local tax $.
... ahh yes, that 7 dollar fee on multi thousand dollar travel to and from the US -> EU. Pretty sure that’s going to break the bank for a one time 7 dollar fee every three years starting of course two years from now. I’m already picking up change on the ground I see so I can save up for it.