“he must work out.”

The irony I took away: 16/hr is more than many uber/lyft drivers make here in Austin.

Was at Halcyon the other day and a guy was offering 16/HR for uber prop 1 callcenter jobs. Clearly they’re going apeshit here. One week left. (Pun?)

I’ve gotten texted and called numerous times in the past day from Uber. App notifications. Countless emails. I swear every day there are 3-4 leaflets in my mail box about it. Half the Pandora ads are uber. Kinda nuts. I'm ready for Election Day to be done.

... will it bend?

Does it bring the boys to the yard?

... she should sue the car maker for making a car that exceeded the speed limits. Clearly they’re responsible as well. ;)

... after Chyna this morning... I didnt think I would make it - now this?

Rimowa Trolley.

Rimowa Trolley.

trying to figure out how on earth youre going to live “comfortably” in SF for 120k/yr. Seems off by a bunch.

technically your phone has 4 buttons and one toggle switch....

Any idea why they press all their cars out of FL? Cheaper registration/taxes? something else?

Makes 0 sense, since the likelihood they can put these designs into a production car of the same model year is almost 0 and ramping up for the next year - they can just wait til the car is out as a few months head start shouldnt matter. Finally, anyone worth a shit can probably figure out what the material is who... I

What do you do? ... what every person should know (certainly 1%ers): call you insurance company and avoid getting burned.

Not everyone fits into your jaded definition of white priv. My company hires people all the time at that age >100k/yr - folks who didnt grow up rich and a majority of them who arent white.

Agreed - then again, we’re civil people. There are far too many people out there who will kill for even a minor amount of disrespect. I think we’ll find out what happened soon enough, but I’m wagering a guess that Mr Smith wasnt trying to defuse the situation.

While I dont believe so, I’m guessing there are many many many other people who do. You see people getting shot all the time for saying shit they shouldnt say rather than to just keep their mouth shut. Is it justified: no.

Really sucks. Guessing someone should have watched their mouth during the post crash “discussion.” RIP.

... so much gas and engine noise in the air this weekend in Austin.... MotoGP, Handbuilt Bike Show, and the Lone Star Roundup.... its like bliss for us gearheads.

I know which corner it is... and I know all the Killboy style camera jockies there... it is in the end a non-remarkable corner that he was going too fast for. I give him props for not leaning his head over the yellow as is often the case.