
What is there to understand? You just said it yourself, it is a just a shooting war between humans and aliens (and other aliens, aka the Flood) and instead of winning by killing every alien in existence, by the end of Halo 3, you have wiped out the Flood in the local region and have sowed enough discord among the

Stop. You lost whatever argument you are trying to make but are just being stubborn. The human driver in the right lane, who not only had a clearer view of the cars ahead but was also closer to the problem and had a car veer in front of it before the accident happened, still hit their breaks well after (when talking

It isn’t fucked up. You just can’t admit that what you are saying to people in the comments section of both articles is almost pure emotion. There isn’t much reasoning behind it and you can’t argue it. You simply state it over and over again. There is nothing wrong with thinking the way you do, obviously, but you seem

It was worth $35 to me ... when it launched. Console gamers were never given the option between a $40 and $60 version like the PC was so I just didn’t bother. Now, with BF1 and Titanfall out and still playing Halo 5 whenever I can, even $35 isn’t enough to get me interested.

It was worth $35 to me ... when it launched. Console gamers were never given the option between a $40 and $60

He almost pulls it off. On its own, I totally get what you mean but coupled with how the UFC bends over backwards for him and I can’t buy in.

Stop crying for a fellow kicker. His timing was off because of his stop/start, nothing more. He didn’t even have to dive because he was so close but it is what they are taught to do so it looked awkward. It isn’t like he was trying to take out the best guy on the other team. I don’t think anyone thinks about hurting a

No one ‘deserves’ anything but it really doesn’t matter if it is a rule or not. There are shitty rules that are tossed out all the time. That doesn’t happen unless people call out the rule for being as shitty as it seems. And here we are.

Exactly. And now Quick Play will be full of people ‘training’ for Competitive and you are going to get the same problems there that were the reason you might have been afraid of playing Competitive in the first place.

Which is more believable? That MS would actively lie to its customers about the ability of the systems to connect with each other or that Activision doesn’t care enough about its PC players to give a shit about the problem. When is the last time Activision gave a shit about its PC consumers? You can believe what you

Now you are getting salty. They still do make good Halo games and Wing Commander isn’t the only game out there that let you pilot a space fighter, especially in recent years with the huge revival of that genre.

You shut your whore mouth!!! It may be a sci-fi shooter and let you pilot a space fighter for a bit but that is about as far as any should be willing to go to compare it to Halo or Wing Commander.

I am pretty sure it is from Evangelion, an anime where this kind of fits perfectly.

Black adder was a comedy that had a series which was based on WW1 trenches and it was hilarious and made fun but it paid utmost respect to the subject matter.

I’ll be honest. All I saw was the word Yes and I stopped reading. Debate 101: stop the conversation when you get the answer you want ;)

DUDE!! I just died, thank you very much. Do you have any idea how hard it is to possess this keyboard?

Well, he’s a reader and voicing his opinion. I think we should let him do that. Especially on articles like this one that are short and only have a mildly interesting video. I mean, coverage of the world cup itself is fine but all we are going to get is a results article after it is over.

Godzilla isn’t stopping you. Enjoy it. Let him voice his opinion to the writers of the site he frequents. He’s ‘people’ too.

And some folks don’t. Godzilla is one of them. I say let him voice himself as long as he isn’t being hateful and he hasn’t been. I:t is also nice to recognize that these sort of posts always happen on the weekends because no one is doing anything much anyway.

You are kind of stretching the whole coverage bit. This is basically a clip you can put into Highlight Reel wrapped in a reminder post.

Not that I agree with the sentiment as much but you can enjoy something without writing about it.