
You know the PC gaming industry has matured when people start becoming elitist about it. Reminds me of my insufferable movie snob friends. Hey buddy, the first computer game I remember playing was Mystery House, and I enjoyed the hell out of the SC2 campaign.

Hey roy445: Hey let's get you to business school!

Yes this announcement is a GIGANTIC SURPRISE, even more so because they have been posting ***public job openings for a D3 console port*** for over a year now.

Ummm, then you're probably not the target audience for it. Chillax.

The print edition of PC Gamer voiced some pretty strong concerns about the game a few months ago.

I feel like Mists of Pandaria is breathing fresh and reinvigorating air into WoW. Some people on the forums complain about the large number of daily quests to do when you hit level 90, but for me the sense of exploration and simple *fun* are back in a big way. I love this expansion—it's chock-full of personality and

Referencing a point made in the article, I would guess the behavior you describe is associated more with competition than violence in the game. Do they also become upset and aggressive after losing a game of Monopoly or equivalent popular UK boardgame?

Shoulda chatted with Stephen first:

When millions of people watch Jersey Shore, give more than a nano-crap that Kim Karwhatever is pregnant, and think Black Ops II is a badass it's not hard to grasp at all.

It was the *universe* that was impressive, not the third game. That's why people cared so much about the ending. Unfortunately for me, I was so goddamn *bored* by the end of ME3 that I didn't even give a crap how it ended anymore, and THAT is by far the biggest failing a piece of entertainment can possess.

ME 1 & 2 are on my list of Top 10 games I've ever played. I absolutely adored them and the universe. Which is why the utter mediocrity of ME3 hurt my soul so damn much—I didn't enjoy more than about ten minutes of the entire game from start to finish. And my Shepard stayed faithful to Liara throughout all of ME2, so

Yeah, a good voice actor like Fennoy can bring life to a character that even its creators didn't know was there. And voice-acting is completely different from film acting, which is why I *hate* the fact that every damn animated movie these days has to have "Hollywood stars" in them. Wreck-It Ralph was a fantastic

Thank you so much for not placing the steaming pile of mediocre crap that was Mass Effect 3 on your Top 10 list. Bioware must have paid out millions to get reviewers to fawn over that mess.