

Yeah I’ve noticed gamers will rip their own dicks off to keep from acknowledge stuff that actually matters. If there’s shit in their fandom sandwich they’ll eat it gladly.

Okay, I told myself I’d wait for the next mention of Final Fantasy to bring up how the remaster still says “retard” in the US and I’d like it if the professional weebs who have been ejaculating over this game for 20+ years could bring that up so they can patch it out and one of the best RPGs would no longer have

Didn’t they just talk about the 5 year timeskip and allude to the snap in this week’s episode? When Mack asked Daisy how she was after spending 5 years in space, and he said it was rough (or something of that ilk).

This woman was literally subjected to death threats and lost her job because she was sick of harassment and your hot take is to demonize women? Amazing.

Because men are trash.

As gamers, we face every type of preconception and stereotype from the outset

John Hammond is just as perplexed as the rest of us 

I use PhotoImpact, it is incredibly easy to learn to put one of these images over another, or cut something precisely (With the lasso tool, and i toggle off the Smart Lasso) to turn it into the supplied image in the article, in this case Yoshi’s arm):

Hmm. It’s almost like they’re a metaphor for Daenerys’s hubris or something.

Sure, but Mysterio is the Marvel Universe’s biggest conman. He could be lying.

“And in the behind the scenes video on this episode they said they decided it would be Arya three seasons ago.”

Nintendo doesn’t want you to hack your switch.

Exactly, the movies are getting with the times. Would be cool if they went the AC Odyssey route with a major game like this. Give players a choice.

Translation: “Hi, I’m a dude and since the same levels of societal expectations on appearance that fall upon women don’t fall upon me, I don’t care and think it’s dumb to talk about.”

I’m hoping every 10-15 minutes of Avengers is just cutting back to Thanos, enjoying his day.

Your confusion is understandeable.

(1) I, a girl, also watched Ghostbusters many times during my youth.

“that’s the International Hole of Pancakes”