
Looking at the upcoming slate, the MCu (not including the Sony made films) is very much improving in terms of directors, it seems. They have: 1 white men, 1 white woman, 3 non-white men and 1 non-white woman, which takes them up to May 2022

They don’t appear to be visible on Firefox.

Whatatever input Feige had with the casting of Tom (and if I recall he wasn’t Feige’s first choice) doesn’t really matter - he is 100% contracted to Sony, and was ‘on loan’ to MS for his other appearances. Even if talks between Disney and Sony sour even further, Holland isn’t going anywhere.

In the most recent episode Mac clearly said it was five years between season 5 and 6.

It’s more common than people think - two of the three Lord of the Rings films were still being tweaked less than 48 hours before premier. The first Avengers film even had the post-credit sting *filmed* after the premier.

She took it to the Skaro sun that the Seventh Doctor sent supernova in Remembrance of the Daleks. Pretty sure it was “shocked”. ;)

TBF, it was a shell casing it had made out of scrap metal - not really a redesign per-se.

Hey. Just FYI, that’s *not* promotional art of Mysterio - it’s from this month’s Empire magazine article about 2019 releases, and was made by Empire’s in-house art team. There’s characters from several other movies in that style in the issue. #corrections

Oddly, as also a viewer from the early 80s, I have to say that this season is (so far) my favourite since the show returned. It feels so much like the Davison era to me, which was my peak viewing as a child. I’m really looking forward to my little boy being old enough to watch these in a year or two.

Nah - the delays in production for GdT’s version were due to a union dispute in NZ.Guillermo was away from his family for two years but unable to start work during the second year (which he wanted). Eventually he walked.

Didn’t we already pretty much know about nine?

IDW’s CCO said a Star Wars Celebration 2017 that this comic line will “not be entirely canon”. Has this officially changed, or is there an error in the premise to this article? :/

Oh dear. An “inside” or “unnamed source” in the Daily Mail is usually code for “a story we made up”.

Sorry - didn’t spot the date.

Having finished FFXV last night, I can confirm that, when the story needs momentum toward the third act, it becomes much more linear and FFish. Absolutely loved it - and flexible enough that you can bin off the open world stuff in pursuit of plot when you’re bored by the open world. Don’t get bogged down in the

The last one is Pine. ;)

Judge me if you will, but I could really use a port of TMS with and English dub.

His original accent was American (Bullock didn’t voice him), but that’s no longer canon AFAIK, Kiwi is.

Frustrating as it is, Universal won’t play nice with Marvel Studios, which means they cannot make solo Hulk films. This sort of thing really is the best we’re going to get.

Oh honey, Porgs are already totally a thing. By December they wild be THE thing. You’d best just submit to their feathery charms now.