
I watched this last night. Maximus is completely right, IMO. The only thing that makes him a bad guy is that he’s also a creepy sex pest, and he’s played by that Ramsay Bolton guy.

The point, I suspect, is that MITHC could never be made in Germany or Japan. I don’t think the US public are being “over sensitive” on this, because it is a US production, and because the ramifications of slavery are still being felt by their society to this day.

True - but they also said they wouldn’t re-cast or use CG - so I can’t see it being read any other way than no Leia.

Slight technicality that Pixar wasn’t owned by Disney when Finding Nemo came out.

It had that date on the US and EU Directs, so I’m guessing worldwide.

They just announced a full FE game for Switch next year.

It’s 100% that line clipped. On a second viewing, if you know ANH by hear (like many of us do) , it’s pretty obvious.

Yes - that. It was clumsy that the line about being sterilised was next to the line about being a “monster”, but I honestly think people are wilfully misinterpreting the intention of there being a direct correlation between the two. It was part of a broader monologue about how her only purpose was to be a killer.

Each season of AoS seems to each have a sub-title. Season 3's was ‘Secret Warriors’. I guess season 4's is Ghost Rider.

TBF she only left as a padawan becasuse when she was offered a Jedi Knighthood she told them to shove it.

This sends my wife (who was born in Camden) up the wall every time.

I live in Sherwood, Nottingham, England. I don’t think there has been a Robin Hood film or TV show that has has any of the historical local geography even close to accurate.

Never played a Warcraft game - thorougly enjoyed the film.

People bulk up for superhero roles all the time - if she gets the gig., I’m sure she will too.

My 4 year old loved it, and I found it thoroughly tollerable.

I’m a little bothered that other than named characters (Ackbar, Nien Nunb) we’ve seen no classic alien species from the original six films (Twilek, Rhodian etc) in either of the new films. Just me?

Seems likely - full backward compatibility has been a feature on all recent Nintendo consoles (DS to GameBoy, 3DS to DS, Wii to Gamecube and WiiU to Wii).

I’m guessing people like me - middle aged with young kids, who want to be able to play games WITH their children. WiiU is by far the best family-friendly console when it comes to games and local co-op.

The Terran Federation in the novel is a undoubtably fascist society. Whether or not that is an endorsement of fascism/militarism by Heinlann is still a hot debate.

Pretty sure he was referring to the fact that the USA got Avengers a week later than we did in the UK, but you also got an extra credit sting (shwarma) that we didn’t get.