
@SG-17: A colleague of mine worked on BF3. When Lucasarts pulled the plug, they picked up none of the work done on it, so if they do make BF3, they're gonna have to start from scratch (unlike DNF).

@jay13x: It's about 14 feet tall.

@MichaelPalin: If you purchased the costumes DLCs for SFIV, they were indeed useable in SSFIV.

Nothing really "went wrong" after Empire. They continued to be popular and successful films (yes, even those dreaded prequels). As a child who went to see the OT at the cinema, I'd have been devastated with Kurtz's proposed ending.

@scrapking: That appears to be the case, yes. In the UK we have 17.5% tax (included in the price), which will rise to 20% in January (and I’d imagine the price of Kinect is priced to absorb the 20%). In Germany, the tax is 19%, and in France 20%, and that seem to be included in the same flat price across mainland

Bear in mind the UK price includes 17.5% tax (soon to be 20%), and the US price does not include their taxesm so you're not compareing like with like here.