Full Metal Plushie


I'll have to make off with it while I can.

Paying full price for a game is like highway robbery compared to this!

The perfect crime

What a steal!

What if I want a 17 button mouse like my Razer Naga?

See its funny, you pretend, sure some do that as well as you once did with legos, some create unbelievable creations, earth on a 1/375 scale or something like that, Azeroth from World of warcraft. It is very similar to The Elder scrolls, it is MUCH better on pc as are most games. Hear me out, its not a master race

Ha! I was thinking up that exact same pun right alpha you did.

Yea but alot more in depth.

Shane, don't forget to update this with the PSN 14 for 14 sale.

there's also ADA, they on-board computer of jehuty from zone of the enders. good ol' ada's

Adding support for cable card would be an extra layer of lunacy. Cable Card technology is dying a slow painful death. It absolutely in NO WAY is something that Microsoft would ever consider. They are pointing toward the future where video is simply streamed over the internet instead of being held hostage by the

They would never do that because that is lunacy in the console market.

GOD the microwave scene was physically painful to me. But the worst MGS moment for me comes at the end of MGS3, after you the beat the Boss and you're just standing over her with your gun and you realize, "Oh shit. I have to pull the trigger..."

I played it sitting next to the girl who would later agree to marry me! A testament both to my poor decision-making and her commitment to me, especially after seeing me at my absolute grossest.

To The Moon, the beginning and ending of The Last of Us and Journey. They all were very emotional for me.

recently : Beyond 2 souls

Nier. No contest