Full Metal Plushie

I'm crying with laughter...

We like jibs! We like jibs!

Chin up, I'd give you a cookie if I could.

At least Toshinden had a good reason for looking the way it did.

It worked!

That is really amazing. I applaud the work they put into it to get things done.

Thank you for considering it to be poems. I did not intend them as such.
I hope one day you will be able to see others in a less derogatory way when they do things you do not understand.

I didn't think of it in that way when I wrote it but I can definitely see where you're coming from.

I cringe at the thought of dying by lego especially when I think of what they have done to my feet.

I'm interested to know what you think you read.
In all honesty I really am interested to know how others interpreted it.

You got me. Read the first letter of each of my lines in the first post to get the code.

It's catchy and positive. Spread the Love, best way to get a song out of your head.

Yeah, I think I just let out my inner Carrot Top. I need more snickers stat!

I'm not having a stroke, you just lack imagination my friend. Don't worry we'll get you the help you need!

I believe it's also going to PC as well, though not a priority.

Oh you're talking about NOT buying an Xbox? I can totally understand why you wouldn't want one.

I initially read "orifices" as "offices." For a minute I was excited over what they planned on doing to the office.

Due to popular demand the next Halo will be called HALO. The "five" was just one syllable too much. Master Chief will now be played by Steven Segal and Cortana will be played by either Ellen Page or Ellen Page, depending on who audiences choose. Michelle Rodriguez will reprise her role as an unnamed soldier. Master

"That's being a GAMER, right?"

So is this the second time he's retiring? Was the first time just a rumor?