Thanks for sharing this video.
Thanks for sharing this video.
I know, I meant is the wii u version at e3 for them to try out and see how they incorporate the gamepad with the game.
Take off your nostalgia glasses please.
At least he shows consideration for the fictional Xbox One owners. Doesn't seem like internet takedown is an option. It also wouldn't make sense since the lead character needs the network to do his deeds.
Ok. I still like the SD look and all the different visual styles.
I was wondering if the wii u port will just allow this co-op without an external mobile device. One person can use a pro controller and the other one uses the game pad. Of course the person with only the gamepad could do both but this gives the option for asymmetrical co-op.
+1 for the aeropress. It's a nifty little thing and who knows, maybe one day you can enter the World Aeropress Championship.
Hey, it could happen. Origin has erred before.
I don't know, I'm still worried. They both start with R.
If they ever remake FFVII I'd like it if they kept the different visual styles for world map, battle and CG.
Wonder eyes... white!
Seems like a cool idea and if anyone can pull it off it's Remedy.
At least hair can be cut or grown back, even styled differently.
Ah, I didn't finish XIII. I was expecting that it maybe had an ok ending which didn't make you feel like you needed to continue the series. I thought the sequels were more akin to X-2 where it was more a fanservice thing.
Wait until the trilogy is released and buy them as a (cheaper) boxed set. Then play them all as if they were one game.
Actually it's not his parents, it's his uncle. His parents have since moved on after his uncle decided to raise him. Of course this is after he grew up and lived in their basement for about three years.
Why do people make knock-off movies or games or write fan-fiction.
I got it when it was only 12.99 a year during the holdiay season so you may want to wait on it. I believe that they do have a month long trial available for you to try.