
In that same wikipedia article, which by the way is hardly a good source, any college will tell you that. Few studies actually follow what you are saying... That and all of these are based on those actually reported to police, not accusations on facebook.

These are the False Rape Reporting statistics in the same

Thanks for taking the screen cap, I know I'm not involved in it, but damn if it isn't a damning thing for her to say. I don't even think my room mate will believe she even posted it.

except it's not, it's still just a name. One part of the point being wrong (which to me it wasn't, I didn't notice it until I paused it at the right spot) doesn't not invalidate the entire point.

Usually the hidden easter eggs that take forever to find, are incredibly complex.

I'm not all that impressed that this wasn't found... It's seriously a Name that only appears when you do something specific. Not only that, but it goes by incredibly quick, and requires slowing down to make out what it says.

I was really expecting something pretty interesting...

Looks like a busier version of halo's Mjolnir armor

This is tumblr nose.

It's a shame my interest in hearthstone was crushed, by every single match I got into being filled with miracle rogues, zoo decks, or that druid ramp deck. Every single one. Me barely having the time to play it, and refusing to flatout buy packs put me at a huge disadvantage.

I can't wait for the features from this one. The one i'm looking forward to most is the removal of the crippling doubt that festers in my tired broken soul.

Also, not to be that guy, but the flash does outrun death... He beat the grim reaper in a race or something if I recall correctly. I think it was Flash vs the Black Racer. Who ended up being the grim reaper, he was chasing Barry and Wally.

I could be taking that out of context though. My memory is a bit hazy on that

God that bullet traveling case and all was painful to watch...

Yet that's not at all what happening. This isn't simple "critiques" it's flat out telling them they are wrong for how they want to portray a character and that they should feel bad for not including a specific type of character. And all of this criticism is because it's apparently wrong to have a game that follows a

I'm arguing, that art is inherently subjective, so assigning a grand social context to all of art is impossible. Some pieces sure, where the artist wanted to include some kind of social commentary, or context into the piece there would be social context.

And yes, that includes narratives. Narratives are subjective, and

Again, Social context is not required for art. Art is completely subjective, You can't objectively say that there is context in all art.

The context is not social in every single thing. Art is subjective, and means different things to the creator, than the society that ingests the art. Even in terms of characters, these characters are not linked to our current social understanding of things, they are literally from a different time.

And at this point we

1) Art isn't anchored to social context. It can involve social context, but it's not inherently required. 2)This business in particular involves mostly artists, who guess what made the decision to design the characters how they wanted.

Nice try though.

I want to be interested in this game... but I'm just not... and I'm unsure why.

Ugh... Chrono Trigger isn't even an old jrpg, it came out on the DS.

/joking please don't yell at me... I'm sorry.

Have there actually been any studies on whether or not it does or does not work? I've always wondered. You hear people saying it doesn't work, and that it damages the cartridge (which I agree with the damage part), but for the most part I've never seen some cold hard data for it not working.

There are some theories

Bioware has been very inclusive, and I like that. It's a great thing to finally include characters like this, it does seem like they are using this as some kind of advertisement though, which is kind of bad in my opinion...

With all that said it's too bad everything I've seen about the game so far has been kind of