
That was the first thing I thought of as well.

Room mate got one, we have played it a total of like 3 times... and haven't touched it since. It offers nothing that our PC's don't offer at the moment, it's just going to sit in the living room until Halo comes out most likely...

Even so, most teenagers have probably made jokes a thousand times worse that that.

I just assumed, it was marketed towards a more mature audience, as almost all the things I have seen of it, were of political intrigue, interactions between the groups, and a very small amount of combat with giant naked people.


Even then can you honestly say that those teenagers haven't already made much worse jokes, about a similar topic?

Typically no one ever actually cares who read the stuff, it's websites that try to make it into an "issue". Sadly it typically succeeds but only from those that have no interest in the source material, and just want to raise hell over absolutely nothing.

Wait wait wait... They are shutting down Battlefront 2's multiplayer? Why in the hell would they do such a thing?

Same here, I actually ended up liking the tablet controller more than typical controllers because of the games that actually supported it. Here's hoping some more devs actually realize the value of it.

I know right. Even a few Indie games I play on pc facilitate co-op on the same screen which is nice. I just don't understand why it's so hard for devs to realize that people have friends in real life, and not just online.

Out of all the consoles I've owned recently (excluding pc), I play the wii u the most, since I can get almost all the games from xbox and playstation on my pc... That is the Wii U's strength in my opinion. Well that and it actually facilitates couch co-op. DKC Tropical freeze was so much better with a friend involved,

"A cyborg, short for "cyberneticorganism", is a being with both organic and biomechatronic parts." That comes from the man who is basically bringing cyborgs to existence.

Putting a chip in your hand does not make you a cyborg. It doesn't make you remotely close to a cyborg, it just makes you stupid.

Doesn't change that I'm still actually wanting the game, and wanting to play it.

I think they actually said when they were seeking money through indiegogo that he already going to put up a lot of his own money with it. If I remember correctly on the original post about this the devs said the kickstarter money would only cover about 20% of the cost. And that they were using it to not only gauge

I am 100% actually excited for it. Not joking, people may say Shaq Fu sucked, but damn if I didn't enjoy the hell out of it along with Chaos in the Windy city when I was growing up.

A game released on early access, not being a complete representation of what it would be when it's released... What's the problem? It's their own fault for buying a game in early access, and expecting more.

Tossing you head first into a half empty pool, isn't easing you into it.

Technically he is right... I don't think the community manager should have been fired.

I await my ban for expressing my unpopular opinion.

No, it's still allowed, best friend is a teachers aid, and they do it every single morning still. It isn't forced, as in they don't have to say the words, but it still happens every single morning.

As an American, we put way way way too much emphasis on our stupid flag growing up, no way they could get it wrong. We seriously had to say a pledge to it every morning of school while I was in school.