
alt wasn't really used until around wrath, at least not on the servers I was on, and even then most still said toon.

He doesn't even have to ask... We already know it's going to be 2 hours of game play with 20 hours of cut scenes that have tons of apple product placement.

Yet here you are still responding. If you want the conversation to stop. Then quit replying. However if you reply with a counter argument. I will respond with my own counter.

All other groups in society have just as stupid lingo.

Also it's not super nerd speak. Epic fail isn't super nerd speak either. In fact fail, and epic fail were adopted into pop culture.

It's not an inside joke either, it's just a short way to say character, nothing more. No barrier to it either, it's obvious what it

Why would it be cringe-worthy? The only people who find it cringe-worthy are those that don't participate in the game. If it's ingrained in the community of the game it doesn't matter what outside people thing.

I did the same.

Why, that was pretty standard...

Again that's not what any definition of says "nice guy syndrome".

Just mentioning "nice guy" has nothing to do with it.


Oh and almost every instance of "nice guy syndrome" I could find was a carbon copy of that link.

So please, tell me how you define it, and then

Oh really, tell me how a failed pick up line is a "nice guy" syndrome, because the definition of that changes so often.

Oh god your responses are too funny, oh jeez this is just wonderful. Keep it up.

A straight answer isn't an obligation, it's a courtesy. It solves problems. However posting it online to ridicule him is also not a right. In fact it can put him at risk for harm, as people have already found out his real name and where he

So now you start insulting me eh? Someone call the internet police! I am being harassed! A random person is commenting at me and tossing insults my way!!!

No, I implied that there are tools at their disposal that they could have used which exist for that purpose and that purpose alone. Regardless of gender, I find it

Lol wut?

So you ignored the last half the post then. Good job. You have shown that you are cherry picking to suit your own agenda. Please come back when your reading comprehension increases. :D

Indeed they are. It's kind of sad.

So now this person who is obviously socially awkward is being ridiculed, and insulted by a ton of people on sites he probably frequents. All because someone couldn't be bothered to use the tools at their disposal that were supplied by the sites that they use for this exact purpose.


I get messaged online all the time by random people, you want to know what the common link in that is? Facebook. A site where you can find random people that are linked with your friends. That's what social networking is about. A few failed pick up lines do not equal "harassment". If I don't know them, I let them know

Stalker behavior would be watching her sleep at night, following her around all the time, taking pictures, and so on.

However, he knew someone who knew her, and contacted her through that other person. It's facebook, that's what happens.

You know I've already responded to that exact same thing from straw hat, he pulled the same line and everything. You should go read that first before commenting. :D

Exactly what I have been saying.

This kind of public ridicule leads to some pretty terrible harassment, typically more harassment that what the "victim" went though.

lol wut?

Did you seriously dismiss a comment that defeats your argument? I was wondering why that post wasn't showing up in the list. Tsk tsk, can't handle someone refuting your arguments so you have to hide it. It's a good thing that all it takes a recommendation to bring it back.