so he does burnouts and donuts...while rally guys rally the entire city?
so he does burnouts and donuts...while rally guys rally the entire city?
I love suikoden 4, always have and always will no matter what others say about it. I still get depressed playing between where the commander dies and your are exiled.
I heard you are a gundam? i am also a gundam. But do to my finances i am sadly just a mass produced GM model
this would actually make a very nice 3-5 episode ova. I agree with you on most points but still its an interesting art style and story direction by a small "studio". I've watched about 12.5x (2500 approx) the anime you have but i can see my self watching this simply because it is slightly different and generic. …
Relapsed fan, buying 3ds XL just to play poke X cause its looking cool i must admit.
The difference for me in my country is a 75% import/customs tax + porter company fee + shipping from seller fee + original price of the game compared to just the original price sometimes discounted price on a digital game makes me buy digital 9/10 over physical.
thats just from my standpoint in the carribbean. There is…
Honestly, drop the price by $50 or $100 and i would buy the X1 user restrictions and all. After some thinking i realized.... they really dont apply to me. i dont buy used and i rarely lend out games (all my games are digital) and if for some reason i can't connect to the internet for 30mins.... my power is off
I might buy a 3DS just to play this and the new zela these pokemon look badArse
spike had gameplay footage day 1, one of the devs died
Someone put the final nail in X1's coffin, ps4 has officially murdered that console
hell yea this is awesome for someone like me who doesnt have a tv just a computer monitor. whenever i need to do something or watch tv on my computer just flip to remote play and boom i could still play my ps4 games
It could be worse, here in the Bahamas there is NO driver's ed. your only hope would be to find a driving school and hope your driver teaches you to drive not just to pass your driving exam. You are not required to show prove of being taught to drive either just show up with a car, your permit and another person with…
aww man when i read the headline i thought he literally chased biebs down on foot terminator style
Guess ill just play games that don't care about story only action. rarely read or get emotionally attached to a story anyway
Why am i reminded of the announcer from Bastion, now that dude..
would be interesting to see how i could fit me and 3 of my friends in their, especially since the shortest person is a 6"2 female
reminds me of rune factory tides of destiny final battle where all the characters you made a high bond with would talk to you in your near death state and revive you with lives to spear
played and loved all including last story even though "This is a game meant to be seen in high-definition, but it's chained to the Wii". good to see we can hide our bias so well even if its true the wii can't output hd
suikoden 4 is the JRPG that really made me get into being a JRPG maniac.