Jonathan Hamilton

It can’t be one of the best games if you can’t put the disc in and play it anymore.

fuck off and get hit by a car

That’s a fucked-up thing to say, and your age doesn’t excuse it.

You should look up what “penultimate” means.

“Suspect her with murder”?

“Suspect her with murder”?

*Wyld Stallyns

What the hell? This game is like 25 years old, and they left those bugs in?!

Kotaku hasn’t forced anyone to read this article, nor have they beamed it into anyone’s brain. Settle down.

Please don’t buy games that need manuals but don’t have manuals.

You are someone who has not read many Punisher comics, and it shows.

Nah, the Beyonder is totally David Hasselhoff.

Daniel doesn’t know what “digress” means.

I hadn’t noticed that, but I had noticed (unrelated) that a lot of movie title images are in 3D on the Apple TV 4K. You’ll be scrolling through titles, and as they wobble a little between zoom levels, you can see separation of logo elements, cast portraits, etc. If you leave one zoomed and just sort of lightly brush

“Strange relics from the PS2 era”? PS1 era.

That song was on In Utero, not Nevermind.

He can stop in midair by spinning Mjolnir to hover.

gullibility, not gullability

What are you talking about?

I had a typing course in sixth grade. We used electric IBM typewriters and old PCs with WordPerfect. My teacher penalized me all the time for not using the home row.