
Only in political circles could there ever be a question of who should clean up the mess, or at the very least pay for it to be done so. You brought that stuff up there and made a mess America, you can bear the burden of cleaning it all up. Leave nothing but your boot marks people.

And this is something I don’t understand (except to say, “well, it is GM”) is why when it was decided to bring over the car as a Chevrolet, they didn’t have the wherewithal to either bring over an HSV version or have 2 levels - Hot, and Aussie Hot. This especially after the Hellcat came out. At the very least they

Making your product look like another car, one 10 years old at that, is a problem because why does anyone want to buy a new car that looks like a decade old one? Unless you KNOW what the Volt is, and why it is unique (which most buyers tend to not be in my experience, if they are even looking at a ‘car’ at all). It

Driving a manual is like getting called on stage to play with your favourite band, playing your favourite song. You might not get all the notes right all the time, but it will be a blast to do. Driving an automatic is like listening to your favourite band play your favourite song on your iPhone. Through $150

The MPG numbers is somewhat questionable for average cars, though posted rates tend to be 1 or so MPG better from my casual perusing, so fine (if you can find a car to compare). Plus automatics are boring, so less fun driving is being had thus better mpg.

Well, that is unfortunate (though not surprising) that VW dealers aren’t giving any deals on any cars they have, regardless of the lower resale and current emissions issue that has left a black mark on the brand.

I’ll be the guy to put your question back at you, and because you are trying to be smart, you can give me 3 benefits of an automatic over a manual. I can only think of one thing and I think fewer people engage in it with a car than people who drive stick period.

So, the SUV in the photos from AutoGuide show a vehicle pretty different from a similar Nissan SUV being tested back in May;

Gallardo rear mated to a 1st gen Zonda front? Honestly I think it looks more like a Zonda front with a McLaren F1 rear half. Either way, I hope it is GM trolling photogs, or if it is real, the name ‘Corvette’ is no where to be found on it. Oh, and kill it with fire.

Do CUV’s offer better capacity? Of course, but so do hatches and wagons, and where are all of those in the North American market? One of the top reasons people buy a cuv is because of ride-height - because they think that they should be able to see over everyone else. Except, with everyone else also buying CUVs,

Your story of packing your Camry reinforces my belief that people are bringing too much damn stuff with them for one kid. I’ve been told all the extra things that they ‘have’ to bring and I call nonsense. You don’t ‘need’ to bring a lot of that stuff, it is just nice that you can. Which is fine, but the argument one

Well, a Traverse is in between a Tahoe and a Suburban for interior space, so the analogy isn’t off if that is what they are cross-shopping against. All the same, unless you have 3 kids, or one or two kids and a big dog, you really don’t need a CUV/SUV that will never go further off road than a lawn.

Actually, owning a coupe is easier for the last two, because if you have the child seat behind the passenger, you can push the passenger seat right forward and get right in front of the seat and you have a wide door opening to get in and out of. When the kids get older to extracate and put themselves in the seat, then

Torch, this car has to be one of the most offensive looking vehicles that will be on sale in North America ever, at least to me. I seriously vomit a little in the back of my throat everytime I look at it. I honestly do not understand how you can go from the boring yet nicely styled concept, which as far as I can tell

Ah, no it isn’t. Maybe better than the Prius (faint praise there) but unless it is from a GM publication, there are a number of EVs and hybrids that handle better. Even if you scale it back to ‘affordable’ electric cars, being the ‘best’ handling of an overall numb-handling group isn’t saying much. Perhaps the new car

I never said clean, safe and handsome design doesn’t sell. Handsome design doesn’t even have to be a factor, given the number of Prius’ I see on the road. However, making your design resemble an existing car to the point that unless they are side by side the average person isn’t going to notice IS a problem. Further,

HOAs give legitmacy to nosy busy-bodies who have nothing better to do with their time than to make everyone else’s life miserable.

Personally I would have responded with “As with all art, this comercial can be interpreted in many ways, and that the complaintant feels offended, as is their right to do, is beyond our control. That said, we stand by our advertisement as it is a reflection on the true nature of our product, and to describe it in

I didn’t think a non-sense complaint about a car ad could top this. Yet again, someone proved me wrong with complaining about this Audi ad.....