
better cartoons than trannies

And because of that I myself will be buying 5 copies of cyberpunk. If they do another tweet like this then 5 more. Gotta support the good guys.

Those punches were as weak as a woman’s. Light kidney punches are the norm.

Day of the rope.

You will hang.

Cry baby

Same thing as Trevor Noah getting to spew his fuckery every night.

I’m glad they are somehow still alive in their shit hole of a country.

Nah, racemixing is bad

They aren’t wrong though.

Wu is a man.

Is your job commenting here?


get shot

You mean the landwhale that wasn’t hit by a car and died of a heart attack?

This protest is just a farce. It glows in the dark.

My dad died for me to have the right to call people faggots in videogames.


Shitty “journalism” should have been a list.

Black peoples largest slave owners were their own people.