
All the bloggers here who ran the weekend comics always post the wrong ones on purpose. The Monday, Tuesday ones were better. Seems like PA uses the weekend one to point out personal views. Think Kotaku is still triggered about all the hate they get and Dickwolves.

Nigerians ruin everything and you have gyaru all wrong.

Won’t give it a shot because it’s Tumblr incarnate.


They still do it to their own people.

Like Africans don’t?

So does MLK statues. He was a terrible person out of the public eye.

He sounds and looks Hispanic, which is not white.

Strong black women who need no man showing their extreme cognitive ability.

Mo is like Memphis and Atlanta, us wypipo left for a reason. We don’t want to be another black on white crime statistic.

Funny how every other news source calls them what they are, a gang but here its just some people.

Almost every figma I buy is 30 or so, you buying from a middleman?

I hate Ebonics.

Shouldn’t this be on i09?

White pride is just so racist. I better throw away my celtic family cloth and ring.

Sexist and it’s Tumblr 2.0

We wuz

Lol sure thing bitch boy.

You have no culture.