
So the big faults I see with your logic:

That doesn’t make any sense. Why in the world would they have to have identical architecture?

Maybe it’s aloha form is just smaller.

This would be a neat way to announce, say, the next lil’ ubi project, ala Grow Home or Valiant Hearts.

What is the deal with ps4 controllers? Mine seem to go bunk every few months (admittedly heavy playing)

Cheating in most games is really bad, aka CS:GO, Overwatch anything that is competitive multiplayer that gives someone an advantage. Spreading around the joy of rare shinies and items... I can’t be mad at that! Is there some negative repercussions i’m missing?

Maybe your controller just dont want to be a meta nab

You sir... Sound like a Titan. Probably a striker. :D

There’s a note that indicated the data was from pre-RoI, so I’d say that encompasses the high prevalence of Arminius/Doctrine (and other similar archetype autos) when those weapons were the primary meta.

As awful as I thought Bush would be and as much as he spectacularly exceeded my expectations, he will be nothing on Trump. I can’t get out of this shithole fast enough.

or you can loosen up and quit being so whiny about it. its a stupid marketing campaign aimed at whats “hip” nothing new.... anyone should be able to know that they arent talking about real WWI.

The problem with that reasoning is that before the ps4, the online was free, so the ps+ games were actually the only thing worth subscribing for. That the the ps+ deals. They use to give us good games and deals but now that we have to pay for online they shifted the free game to a bonus feature and haven’t given us

This cat gets hard off kotkau stars lol

It’s funny how pissed you are because of the Switch reveal. I mean, have a look at your comment history. It’s just salt and insults right now.

Thank god you’re here to make sure everyone knows that you don’t like Nintendo. We’re all super proud of you for having such cool opinions.

But don’t you already have the butthurt, flaming fanboy part covered?

maybe if you buy it and some games.

Rockstar: We’ll reveal the existence of Red Dead Redemption II this week! We’ll even premiere the trailer, too! It’ll be the biggest gaming story of the week! Nothing can stop us from taking over the news cycle!

You know, Stephen is being really patient replying to you even though you’re being nothing but toxic. I’m not anyone of authority, but it’s easy to see you don’t really care about the site; you just want to seem like someone who knows how everything REALLY works in some vain attempt at impressing all the people who