
I have been as big an Apple fan as there is. This post, if true, confirms to me that Apple has lost its way under Tim Cook. They are striving to integrate things that have been part of the Android phone ecosystem for many months, if not years. There hasn’t been a significant Apple tech update now in several years

It’s a style of art typified by the movement of feet to the rhythm of accompanying music.

She checked the game’s map and, sure enough, some sort of GPS weirdness was causing her character to pace back and forth, gaining distance even though the phone wasn’t moving.


It could also just randomly turn into one of the Pokemon in your Dex, that would make more sense to me as a mechanic for ditto

*pours water in front of his living room fan*

Holy shit, I consider myself a fairly informed gamer, particularly when it comes to retro stuff (and being old, I’ve seen most of it first-hand), but I had no clue these things existed.

They were probably dragged there by friends and don’t actually care for the concert, if I had to guess.

Seems like an adaptation of her comic origin though? It’d kinda like doing a Spider-Man origin story without Uncle Ben, or Batman without his parents getting shot.

Actually Toriyama is really famous for how he hates manga artists that use a lot of assistants. He only had 1 assistant (whereas most artists employ 3-5), and used the assistant solely for backgrounds and minor background characters.

So, Square won’t port or make Vita games, but they will make a iWatch game for all five of the iWatch owners.

The problem is with you, not the games. They didn’t get boring, you changed.

My thoughts go out to her and her family. At least she was chasing what she loved, which is admirable and more than most of us ever dream of. It takes courage to chase your dreams.

Yeah I don’t get it either, and it seems as if Nintendo isn’t putting pressure on movement towards a more modern game even though it’s in their best interest saleswise. Look at Capcom, they make sure the highlight of Street Fighter tournaments is always their newest version of the franchise.

The one thing I love about Smash 4 competitively is the wider range of characters that get used. Sure there’s the high tier favorites but it’s much more entertaining than Fox, Shiek and Marth every round.

This. I understood why the competitive scene hated Brawl, but there is no real justification for Melee to continue to stand above Smash 4. At least they had both games at Evo this year.

Essentially, Pros love how broken and exploitable it is.

I will never understand why people insist on playing Melee after so many years. Smash 4 has a much wider variety of playstyles and characters, so it’s actually entertaining to watch. Melee just feels slow and clunky to me.

you say it like normal people know who the fuck justin wong is...

I’ve been watching Melee tournaments for years, and have been playing Melee since the day it released only two weeks after the GCN launched. And I’m way more entertained by Smash 4 at this point. Way more character variety in the tournaments. I can only watch so many more Melee tournaments with the same few characters