
I just turned on my PS3 today and resumed playing Tales of Xillia...forgot how to control everything as I started, but now I’m good to go. So I’ll be playing this game to beat it and see if I start Tales of Xillia 2 which is on the shelf waiting for me ever since it was released.

Twilight Princess for me. So having it now on the Wii U makes me a very happy man.

I think I’ll be replaying RE6 on the PS4 with a friend...besides that I’m finishing Twilight Princess on the Wii U. Also started Monument Valley and enjoying it bit by bit. Oh and got the Zelda Picross for the 3DS thanks to Miitomo I’ll be completing that too.

Just go on Hulu now and was greeted with HuluDatr. A new dating service from Hulu that pairs you with someone based on what you love to watch ha!

I’m not complaining about playing the game normally. I’m complaining about what to do after you finish it. I could just stop and be happy I enjoyed playing with friends all the missions, but I keep reading about so much to do in the endgame yet I can’t seem to find anything to do. All there is left after you finish

When I first saw the Division from an E3 I quickly bought a PS4. So it’s the reason I own one. The PS4 I bought included Destiny so there’s that and since I bought the PS4 for The Division I went along and bought it even though in the end I knew it would be another Destiny ha. But thats now. Before it wasn’t touted as

There is a hell lot more to do in Destiny though...I kept hearing that The Division had a better endgame than Destiny yet there is only the dark zone and some daily missions available at the end. Destiny had more options in the end like the raid, lots of pvp modes, dailies, bounties, nightfall and any remaining

Yeah it’s like I said. I love playing games with friends,but when they’re not on it’s not much fun running around killing things. With friends you can talk about random things haha.

I keep reading about grinding for better loot once you finish the game. That’s my complaint ha...why grind? Same with games like Destiny. I used to complain about not being able to find a group to do the last raid for better gear but than I thought, “wait...why do I need better gear for?”.

Being annoying is not my kind of thing ha. I really buy these games to have fun playing missions with friends if they’re around.

What? I can’t complain because they give me nothing interesting to do after I finish the game? If a game is boring this quickly than it surely has its problems. It’s not like Destiny either where you can go to new planets and have new enemies to deal with. The Division has the same look from beginning to end.

Been doing them solo myself...but just because I hate playing with strangers and my friends haven’t been on when I decide to play. Right now I just log in to collect the things I’m missing and maybe do a daily mission because I really can’t find the point of grinding for better gear. It’s like Destiny....become

I want to go back to the world where everything was ok. If games like Mortal Kombat were to be released today for the first time Mileena would be censored as hell. Oh my god Chun-li run!!!! The secret Metroid ending...oh no...the horror............. all the scenarios from the first game, but still halfway through the second one. Not sure why I suddenly stopped playing it. I guess it’s time to go back.

Fortune Street on the Wii ha! It’s been years...yet every now and than when I don’t feel like playing any recent games or watch something...I go back to Fortune Street.

Star Wars Kinect 2?

Only played the beta (hoping to buying the game this week), but my only complaint back than was whenever I was gunning down a rogue player or group...someone (anyone who at the moment would be shooting at the rogue player too) would pass by my gunfire and with just one bullet..suddenly I’m rogue too. They would all

Haha the attack with the Vita menu made me laugh!

I actually shouted, “YES!!!...when I saw the spike columns from Super Mario World ha!

It’s what kept me from finishing FF7. It all looked like lego’s. I still want to finish it one day ha...but it’s still the only Final Fantasy I have not finished yet.