
I can buy so many good games with just a 50 dollar card...I am heading out of the door right now to get me one!

It's funny how I remember that exact thing.....wiiierrrd 0_0

Good to know I'm not the only one doing that friends sometimes ask me why I am holding my ear so close to the 3DS without looking at it..."well...I'm fishing"

Holy shi...Leviathan...haha forgot about that movie..

Was wondering if they would release a usb bluetooth device for anything not Sony...which would be nice

So just a TV and an internet connection? does a PS controller work if you only had those 2 available?

I pay like 70$ for 20mbps...but...there's like only 3 internet providers here and this one is the cheapest right I really have no choice...

Good..make me feel old you bastard! =_=

I love the Silver Spoon's manga...but couldn't get into the anime at all =_=

Oh wow it a trophy assist?..I assume so

Oh we old folks know which way to run...but these new kids nowadays will probably think you can run both ways =_=

How in hell did he come up with this?...I would have quit halfway

What's funny is that I was thinking "oh great..Kirby for Mario Kart...nothing special =_="....yet to my surprise it was a Smash Bros.'s video hahaha..very unexpected..

I think the comments should be refreshed each time you change the list...because I was reading through some of them and they make no sense whatsoever =_=

Ha thats where I waste most of my time in most the character customization screen....than...than you start the game and stop caring =_=

In a way though..he is's easy to sign a petition and get friends who don't really care about the game sign it too...which means probably only half of the people who signed will actually buy the game mentioned in a petition...

Same happened to suddenly scared me but made me laugh so much hearing the guys scared and backing up!

Is it still 30 mins during a storm?

Every damn Pokemon game...doesn't matter if you're old collection is over 600...they still assume you don't know how to catch a pokemon the moment a new one comes out...