
But I don't want both hands on the wheel.

I would love an electric car. . . If it didn't look like a Prius, Volt, or Leaf. . I understand why they look like that, but that's not what I want. The Karma Fisker is getting it, the Tesla Roadster has it.. Porsche, Ferrari, etc is working on it.... BUT those cars are not "affordable"

Because I live in the city where there is a speed bump, red light, traffic, etc. every 2 seconds and don't feel like shifting constantly.

Sounds like a plan except I think people only have 1 liver.. and I'm not sure, but I probably need both lungs..

From this forum.

I'm pretty sure the question was "What car would you BUY..."

Visibility isn't an issue at all. I have driven very many cars before. I'm 35 and have been driving since I was 13.. yes illegally. . What are you comparing the visibility too ? Where is your problem.. with the windows not being tall enough to see the planes in the sky and hitting your head ? Sounds like you have

This question is a lot harder than it seems. . My first thought was that there are no exotic car dealers in my area to pick up a Lamborghini or Ferrari or whatever. . Then I thought, there are Audi and Mersedes dealers close by, I can pick up a R8 or a SLS. . But then I thought... They would want to check my

Once again people come here to the comments to hate on a car they never driven, yet claim to have. . I thought this was a site for car lovers yet always with the hate.

I was speaking more on a price point... Being the R8 is really expensive and at that price I would take the R8 over the NSX. . I was saying the NSX should be priced about the same as the GT-R, which it was close to that price when last new.. . . I also said it would fail competing to the GT-R.

Then you obviously haven't been paying attention to wear every other comment wayyy earlier when I posted this.. and even the article itself mentioned that with the roof cut, a tall person won't fit in it... Tall people will fit in it fine. .

Embezzling CEO's go to jail for a little bit and come out still richer than me or you.

I believe that if he is in jail for some long period of time, keeping him from doing his job, he should indeed be fired. . . but it was pretty much just a slap on the wrist. . He did not get fired until over 6 months later.

Well. . from the sound of it, he was off duty AND I have to say that if I were to go out & get pulled over for speeding & get a DUI, I would not get fired from my job for that.... sooooooooooo he kinda has a case.. . BUT, if his license was suspended then he can't really do his job and can be let go for that.

Okay, since a lot of you just feel like hating a car because it's not an old low model BMW or some station wagon. . Let's see..... even with the lowered roof, there is plenty of head room in the car. I am 6'3" and there is a good 8" or so between a normal roof and my head. So even with the roof lowered there is

He didn't lose a drag race to the GT-R because he didn't drag race the GT-R. . . The GT-R was off the track before the Bugatti even went. . We didn't even get to see the GT-R's time, so he might have beat the GT-R that ran previously to the Bugatti. . . . And who knows, maybe the Bugatti driver was scared the poor

When I went to South Beach Miami, it seemed like only the poor people drove Corvettes. . . There seemed to be more Rolls Royces & Bentlys than Fords & Chevys. . . So to have a stock of Vettes a little higher up than regular makes sense. . Ocean Drive was full of Ferraris & Lamborghinis on that Saturday I was there.

If this is the wreck they were talking about on the news when I woke up this morning, WOW. . . The news simply said that there was a fatality wreck on the I10 that had traffic backed up for over a mile each way and the interstate would be closed. . . & The wreck happened some time around 4am central time. . . Talk

But us white people love our fried chicken

1st gear : You ask why a GT500 convertable.... Because Camaro just got a high powered convertable. Competition and some people enjoy driving their cars.