
You got a little derp on yourself.

What unpaid royalties? This game made money?

Show then how it's done Sony.

Have we already had such big contrasts in a E3. Microsoft's new console is just a disaster. I can't remember seeing something worse in my life as a gamer. It serves them really well for being that arrogant and anti-consumer.

Yet they put the Wii in a box.

(I kid)

As Yoda would say, Strong with this one, is the butthurt. Wii U for Christmas he must have gotten. Wanted he a Playstation did he.

A Heartfelt Breakup Letter:

Dear Microsoft,
I used to be a Playstation fan. My Ps2 library is still my largest library of games to date, but the Xbox 360 just offered SO much, and your lineup of games was SO good that I jumped ship. I never purchased a PS3 this generation and missed out on a lot of games that I wanted

Some people like getting their butt fingered by strangers, others find it offensive.


I am an Xbox 360 owner and I am buying a PS4. Sony's clear commitment to pro-consumer policies and practices is something I cannot ignore. I was planning on skipping all consoles this gen, but Sony just made me a believer.

Hayter's gonna hate.

Hayters gonna hate.

The problem is that first sale clause on physical goods, of which the majority of console games are, states:

Agreed. These overt anti-consumer practises have successfully killed all interest in the Xbone for me. I don't care if they present gilded masterpieces for the console at E3, Microsoft's DRM-laden, non-upgrade PC that requires a constant internet connection while holding multiplayer for a monthly ransom can die in a

I'm pretty sure nobody gives a shit that you're a Christian, dude.

That's the spirit! Your god/s would approve of that loving attitude. Fuck those that disagree!

I can't imagine this running at temperatures any lower than "crotch-scorching." Not sure I'd feel comfortable with a gaming laptop relying on what looks to be entirely passive cooling. You're just asking for hardware failures.

No. Sorry, you're obviously optimistic, but no. I have three shelves full of 360 games, two of XBox games, dozens of Arcade games, and the 360 was my only current-gen console. I've been telling people Microsoft has been good to me through repairs and replacements even out of warranty. I've been "on their team" for

Barry Allen should have stayed dead. Wally is the true Flash.

("Tell him Dave's not here man") "Dave's not here man!"