
Look at those brows. You can never trust anyone with brows like that!

Diablo 3 and the new Dragon Age launched perfectly well, I'd say. Other than that, I agree.

With a quarter of a million people over such a large space, doesn't it cease being a "LAN" and become a "WAN"?

Quite true, my friend. I do, however, enjoy killing each and every sucka you listed...

I forget: Can Japanese games play on US PS4's?

Oh, you bastards! My wallet curses you, Nintendo!!


I don't understand what the big deal is. I need to shave. I play AC. I get extra AC for buying something I was going to buy any way. Win, win.

I noticed that, as well. Of course, they are still far ahead of the competition. I think that the change should not have occurred. So they had a lower sell-through. Who cares? Changing the standard will be seen as weakness by the competition. Should have left it as it was....

What difference does that make? PS4 is wiping the floor with the XB1 and that is a fact. Your approval or disapproval of that fact

As Xbox has had, and continues to have, a corner on all this Call of Duty DLC, the crocodile tears humor me.

"You scream like that one more time, I'm gunna tear your heart you. You hear me?!?"

"What's happening to my schooooool......" - Cartman

At his rate, in 4 years MS will have this ad campaign: "Need $5.00? Of course you do; who doesn't! This holiday season only, Microsoft will pay you $5.00 to take an Xbox One home with you! Please?"

I own it on Steam, but never caught the bug. I am in no way enticed by a game that allows some little (insert expletive here) to randomly perma-kill a character that I've spent time leveling. Imagine "Destiny" with this "feature": spend all your time getting to level 20 then some schmoe comes along, shanks you and

Shame. Seems like a cool game concept. (How it translate into actual game, I dunno. But, I like the concept.) Also, shame he decided to be the prototypical infant and so foolishly rail as if he was some anonymous nobody. Someone in his position cannot engage in such behaviors. And, I'm quite certain he was aware of

Nice, comprehensive list of the tweaks to take this above-average game into legendary status. (See what I did there?)

Obviously, some commenters here had a far less entertaining time in college than I...

I'm all about boobies. But, there's a time and place for everything. And, this game would be neither the time nor the place.