God, I despise those freakin' commercials with that bodybuilder cramming food in his face.... (It was at the beginning of this video for me; maybe not for you.)
God, I despise those freakin' commercials with that bodybuilder cramming food in his face.... (It was at the beginning of this video for me; maybe not for you.)
Well, at least we knows who owns an Xbox One :)
Not impressed. Neutral, at best....
I disagree that it's accidental. I used to go to fairs where all kinds of "cheap" items where sold. Like car stereos by "Alphine" and "Soney". Same insignia, same color schemes, etc. They were sold at such a good price where you'd be back home with your new stereo before you realized that your rear hurts.....
Not DIRECTLY responsive to the request but: All this talk about "refreshing" has brought to mind how refreshing it is to see people talking about how awesome a WiiU game is, instead of the incessant "Nintendo needs to get out of the hardware business and make games for (fill in console of your choice)."
Perhaps the artist has something in particular on his mind....
Great to see the WiiU getting some well-deserved media attention!
Shame to see such a talented studio follow the paths of so many others. It seems that too much success too quickly gives the suits long-term blindness....
Great game, though!
Yet another license fucked by Hasbro. Star Wars first. Then Transformers. Wonder who's next?
Eh, I disagree. He IS supposed to be a robot/droid, afterall. I'm not sure how the lines should have been delivered better. If he was supposed to be the voice of a human, I'd agree - wooden and uninspired. However, considering what his character is, I'm fine with it.
Real-life loot hoarding.....
Agreed. But, on the bright side, it beats a "nut rumble" feature.....
Is Jabba the princess?!?!
I freaking love this game! It's mindless, stupid fun! Once you get the controls down, you can really wreak some havoc!
Ahhh. The ever-present catch-22!!
What a vast oversimplification of the issue. To sum: "MS decides to sell Kinect-free XB1's (as we all knew it would from the beginning) equals the failure of the Kinect." The "failure" of Kinect is ONLY a viable conclusion from what is known to-date if MS just bails on the product; ala the 360's HD-DVD drive. Until…
I want some of whatever Mr. Ward has been smoking! That must be some GOOD SHIT!!
I'd say it's less than just another CoD game. Sad, too; because I LOVED Black Ops I....
Garsh, I guess my 3.2GHz quad-core i5 is just below the requirements.......