
Oh, what the kids today won't do to have their violent deaths on film!

You really are bright, aren't you? That's the love-child of Einstein and Socrates level shit, right there!

"Of course, "about to explode" in cosmic terms may mean in one hundred years. Like NASA says, "if we are very lucky it may happen in our own lifetimes.""

Well, slick, since the OP says it's "about to explode" perhaps it's not quite so obvious to some....

Of course, it has already exploded. We're just waiting for the light to get to us so we can see the purdy pictures!

As a huge fan of the Powerpuff Girls, I'm kinda hoping they don't actually grow up to be this skanky.....

Correction: It was previously available in the US in the Assassin's Creed bundle.

I guess that the best I can say to this is: Meh....

That, my friends, is why skanks and booze should not mix.....

I've always been puzzled by the Japanese sexual culture. Blue-haired girls barely into puberty are highly sexualized. Characters who are rightfully considered to still be children are highly sexualized. (Like the ones in this particular game)

Whatever negative befalls these little fucks is half of what they deserve. Get a fucking life and direct your energies towards something productive, not destructive. Worthless fucks...

And what, sir, would make you assume such?!?!? :)

That looks so amazingly terrible that I'll be there on opening day!

Ladies, ladies!! Enough already. "DmC" is the correct way to abbreviate according to the makers of the game, Capcom. If that's how they do it, that's how others should, as well.

Oh, the rich irony of the PS4 releasing "Don't Starve" when PSPlus members are hungry for something new and worthy on PSN!!

Good list, Owen!

Awesome. Thanks!

Someone should buy that dude a mirror and a comb for Christmas. He obviously owns neither....

One would think that it would bear mentioning the source of these listings. I almost used the term "statistic", but there's nothing any more statistical about this story than is statistical about my post. Also, I find it hard to believe that CoD: Ghosts (as terrible as it was) wouldn't appear on any list which claimed

Hmmm. Something tells me the devs kinda forgot what kind of game PvZ1 was. In the meantime, they played too many FPS's and decided they wanted to make one. I'm at a loss at this title....