I'm not so picky as to piss and moan about the lack of smoke/muzzle flash.
I'm not so picky as to piss and moan about the lack of smoke/muzzle flash.
I'm not sure I could care less if I sat around and tried.....
Looks more like Crackdown's universe and gameplay than GTA's, to me. (And, YES, I know........)
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: First off: Great post.
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: Using your logic above: Young German people going through school are being taught the history of their nation. When the existence of the Holocaust being perpetrated against the Jews is taught to them, do they: (a) think what a horrible event it was and become more aware/sensitive to…
@Mirko Koponen: I banged it...
@Rozzlit: Clearly reading comprehension is lacking 'round these parts. I said I did NOT take offense to it because of the explanation and context given to the story by Kotaku. And that it would be natural to take offense at the word "sambo" bringing up imagery of a white-faced person with a watermelon above their…
@CapnGeiger: The level of irony associated with someone allegedly studying journalism history who has a clear deficiency in the area of reading comprehension is pure sitcom fodder. You should contact Larry David.
To damn-near all readers who have posted thus far:
That "Sambo Brand" watermelon is AMAZING! Hard to believe that crap was ever sold in our country......
That is one freaky-ass critter!
Looks like Forgotten Worlds; just going the other way.
@StoneLazerkill: That's good times, right there!
They'll do that for an XBLA game, but not for COD: WaW? Sure, right, that's the right the to do.....
Wish it were actually black. Black as in the same color of the controllers. I always disliked the "black" of the Elite; as it's charcoal grey, not black.
Yawn. Maybe it's just me, but there is nothing which in any way excites me about a Zune.
@PsychicPanda: Well, then your experience in beta testing has been vastly different from mine. I've never beta tested a game/product that didn't involve some kind of incentive after the fact - depending on level of input.
Bobby is an uber douche bag of the n'th degree and it's a shame that the powers that be at Activision can see this guy as anything other than such. Sure, much of Activision's rise has come during his tenure. But, upon reading the multitude of quotes from this idiot, one must ask: Did Activision rise because of him or…
I beta tested Galaxies many moons ago. My feedback to them was always the same: This game is boring. Give us something, anything, to do!