Why do I feel that juggettes are the only ones that would throw themselves at you for a jobbing reference :\
Why do I feel that juggettes are the only ones that would throw themselves at you for a jobbing reference :\
IDK if Mike was alluding to the hilarious exchange between the Messenger and the Floating heads from Fallout NV's Old World Blues DLC, with the 5 tiny hand penises comment but this has to be seen :D One of my favorite Video game moments.
I literally LOLed, simple yet very effective, good shop sir.
Thanks it's my first shop entry and part of my first official day of posting after years of just creeping the blog :D Glad everyone got a laugh because I was having alot of fun with every addition to the picture.
I loved the books and the series is everything I could want it to be so far, but does anyone else feel like Daenerys Targaryen is one of the most unapologetic Mary Sue characters in a while? Everytime something bad or tragic should happen she comes out of the situation far more powerful. I'm all for girl power but…
Actually it's what people do after getting blazed that is usually funnier than the faces they make during the toke, Oh-faces on the other hand are always hilarious.
Had to bring this wheelbarrow back. The idea just came to me :)
Same scare tactics used with the 3DS launch. It will be a slow start in the same sense, but sales are not stellar in Japan due to a largely Western launch list, and that the PSP is still a highly supported system, meanwhile in the states, PSP is a footnote at best at the moment, but people are not willing to pay the…
PSP was a godsend for JRPG and Strategy fans. So in that regard I hope it is a repeat of a legacy of great titles. PSP lost alot of steam due to how simple it was to hack. You can still find close to a complete PSP library of ISOs online and plenty of sites that give step by step guidelines on how to hack the PSP. In…
Honestly the Bundle that includes the 8gig stick, 250mb free month, and a free PSN game for the same base price of the 3g model is a great deal, considering that the 3g plan follows the same rules as tablet 3g plans, which are non-binding and completely month to month without a reactivation fee. IMO It's nice to have…
Wipeout 2048 (tight controlled high speed futuristic racer)
I'm throwing my hat in the ring with black foods are super delicious. I mean take korean black bean paste noodles "Jajangmyeon" for instance. Soooooooooo good!
It's an still an absolute day one purchase for me. I'm not going to let the internet scare tactics win me over, and I'm just going to jump head first and see how it goes, the same way I did with the PSP launch. I was in love with my PSP and still have my fat 1000 series that gets plenty of attention. Sony is sweating,…