
Skye’s fight scene right after she uses her powers was brilliantly choreographed and she executed the moves perfectly. I can’t imagine how many times they had to run through that to get it right. I guess Daredevil set the bar high with the hallway fight scene in episode 2...

I need to be clear: I would not merely lose my shit. It would be as if my shit had never existed. The very concept of shit would no longer be relevant in the current paradigm.

And they’re still going to run interferometer tests to see if it creates a warp field, which if that checks out, this will be the holy grail. This will give us the stars. If confirmed, i reserve the right to go absolutely batshit insane with glee.

Even if the warp part doesn’t check out, it may not have given us the

Needs a codpiece to complete the outfit!

So, okay, I like everything that just happened.

Brienne as a mega-Stromtrooper?

He's a little busy. Vomit zombies are a handful to deal with. You can't just throw them in the clink.

Fill it with One Direction fans and close it up.

Never EVER turn you back on Thomas the Train. Bastard will mess you up.

Hahaha that train bit. This looks fun.

I think that is Alia Atreides, also known as St. Alia of the Knife.

By now he's probably more known for Whiplash. Marketing for Divergent and Insurgent seems to focus more on the main star.

Hey Maverick, grab a Snickers.

Fuck. All. Those. People.

The center of rotation is fully outside Pluto's diameter, and it is a binary system.


Thought Gru mentioned they were a by product of one of his machines in Despicable Me 1?

Maybe they'd rather not show the crash landing video.

If anyone can design a LEGO locking differential, it's this guy.