
kennedy space center??

Either that or he has a painting in the attic.

Nymeria is alive leading a pack of wolves near the riverlands. If you don't know that, you'd probably be pissed if I told you where Rickon and Shaggydog were :)

Oberyn's reaction is what did it for me.

How did I not see that coming? How??


I think it's Chasing Amy, actually.

Of course The Horn of Winter is real.

Purple is a natural occurring color on planet Pimp.

Why don't they just call it 'The Hobbit: War of Five Armies'?

Guys, we did it. We won.

I love the movie itself, but I love it more for the fact that Vin Diesel and Dame Judi Dench played D&D together while making it. That is the best thing ever.

Does baby Colussus poop little ball bearings?

I was about to say Marvel really should keep up with the Comic book cover posters for SHIELD because that is awesome.

So is this going to be Face Off with puppets? Because awesome!

Excellent. If you are a paid shill, you have succeeded in making me even more excited about giving this film all my movie money.

Meanwhile, the cat had the whole "when the owners are away, I can hop up on the bed" thing figured out ages ago.

The point is that these aren't post-production animations; they're just light projections.