
We just started up, hope to play a couple gigs starting in December. We cover a lot of the main folk classics and put a similar spin on them that DKM or Flatfoot 56 does but we're really trying to write our own stuff. We've got two guitars, drummer, me on bass and vocals and a piper so far. Hope to expand and pick up

Nope, I'm right there with ya. I didn't forget that I watched the originals between seven and twelve years old and didn't let the fact that watching the prequels in my thirties jade all that.

Name's Johnny, male, living in Dallas, TC with my wife and three kids. Former Marin, former Texas National guardsman, fulltime web designer/developer and graphic artist as well as Celtic punk rock musician. Just got my BAAS at 43 and am now getting my teaching certificate and will start working on my Masters in studio

Hell, I knew fellow Army zeros that couldn't walk in a straight line in broad daylight, with their eyes wide open and either a compass or a GPS in their hands LOL!


My wife's an elementary school teacher who teaches about Edison all the time. When I showed her more information on Tesla, what he did versus the stuff Edison took credit for, she got pissed. None of it is in her text books.

I loved this book. My oldest daughter is not much of a reader at all but she fell in love with this too.

My favorite series of all time! Makes me want to name my dog Triskele.

You just want a bondage/fetish sci-fi series LOL!

It could be titled, "A Whoring We Will Go!"

Ok yes, HER more than Claudia Black!

Oh dear God yes!


That's pretty much exactly how I pictured him in the new Kenobi book. It's very much the spaghetti western. Obi Wan has always been my favorite character from the franchise and I'd have a fangasm if they did a movie for him.

Blue falcon.

Watch out for Zack.

Lawd yesssss!

If it's selling out for every show, he may not need to.

I thought this was established in the first book.