
Yeah, I'm officially invested now.

Or it'll return in a couple hundred years looking for the Kirk Unit and kill us all when it doesn't find him.


Well, if there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from it.

Isaiah 40:22 mentions that God sits enthroned above the circumference of the Earth. Written some 800 years before Christ. You'd think someone would have read it.

Muties aren't human ;-)

agree 100%

You beat me to it! Hands down for me, one of the absolute best. If only everyone, at one time, could heard someone speaking about them like Nighy's character spoke about Vincent, the world would look completely different. People need to know they matter.

Oh yes indeed!


YES! Six String Samurai! Did a little piece of fan art for this years ago :


Well crap!

I've never seen this before, beautiful!

This yes, one of my favorite characters from the whole series. Pissed me off.


I see what you did there ;-)

If not Thrawn, because that'd be my first choice, then make him someone like Kyp Durron, anyone but a Sith.

Guy lost his father to the Harkonens, his first born son to the Carino Sardukar, his wife to child birth, his sister to the madness of possession, his next heir Leto II to the conversion of the worm and his Fremen to time. The only one to live a full life, practically unscathed was his daughter Ghanima whom he never

That meeting with Leto was my favorite scene in the entire series. I'm not ashamed to admit I cried a little. Herbert was a damn fine writer.