
Probably my favorite sci-fi writer, very underrated IMO.

+1 for old school Storm and the Renly Baratheon is hilarious!

Yep, book was much better. Still a decent flick despite the ending.

And I know, and I know I don't want to stay, make me cry


Don't say I never gave you anything HAHAHAHA!

There's no fast food or greasy burgers or chocolate bars, etc LOL!

Mad Max did it first?

My productivity just got shot all to hell!

Probably my favorite Reddit.

I'm going to make an Irish jaeger that wails the ulean bagpipes out large speakers because it can't fight as it's pilots are always too drunk LOL! This HAS to be a thing!

Oooooooh! LINK?!

Henrietta Pussycat? This early in the morning?!

Yeah, isn't that the Russian jaeger, Cherno Alpha?

I think a lot of that is owed to his painting on actual canvas instead of slate like many others do these days. David Cherry is another of my favorite sci-fi artists and he uses slate with acrylics, makes every line smooth.

Snap... hiss.

Fickensie NICHT mitt Einstein LOL!


Obligitory, "that's no moon."