
How about the "Walking Unclean?"

As a conservative Christian Zionist... 1B is absolutely not true.

I was just paraphrasing Chris Hadfield.

Why would a MEMBER of the KKK want to sell it to the Israelis to begin with? One of the major tennents of the white supremist movement is anti-semetism.

HAHAHA! This is awesome, AT LAST I'M VINDICATED! I spent more time with my Lego toys than pretty much any other!

I'm the Juggernaut...

So This is what happens when you wring out a wet towel in space kids...

Blowing the bridge isn't going to work. Should be a fun revelation when they com walking across the other shore from under the bay.

Hold still, my iOS phone is SO slow today!

Hold still, my iOS phone is SO slow today!

Get up on that funky ship!

I can absolutely get behind this, or Corran Horn, or anything Rogue Squadron for that matter. Man I would love to see a one-up Rogue/Wraith Squadron movie.

Plot twist... he's not white.

Yes, that's IDF. She's probably one of the soldiers that get attached to Pitt in the story during the fall of Jerusalem.

They're all going to be just as pissed next week I believe LOL!

A whorin' we will go, a whorin' we will go! Hi-ho the derry'o a whorin' we will go!

I was thinking about that too. That event centered around the whole dragon-stone discovery, I'm wondering if that's not too fine a plot point that they will probably leave it out. Which I think would suck.

Been trying to remember the Hawk the Slayer name for years! Saw it on Showtime when I was little, loved it. Need to hunt it down and watch it again.

RIP Lord Commander Mormont

Every time I see that pic.