
Try to listen to Mitch McConnell speak and NOT think of Jim Carrey doing a Jimmy Stewart impersonation.

Whoa dude. Don't forget about Meth. That shit is delicious. And also deadly. But mostly delicious.

Someone who calls out another person solely on their political leanings, so brave.

If such a hero existed my dad would have been deaf by the time I was 10

I wish there was a superhero who swooped in and blew a loud airhorn and held up a full length illuminated mirror at crusty old men whenever they dole out a "joking" insults about a young woman's body, especially their daughters'.

Properly matched turbos will show very little more lag than manifold mounted ones, it is one of the selling points of STS Turbos. Had one on my '04 GTO and it was an absolute beast. A V8 already has plenty of down low torque, so a slight delay on boost allows it to launch without destroying the tires.

To explain what I mean, allow me to recount what happened two weeks ago when I visited Land Rover of Cherry Hill, an excellent automobile dealership in New Jersey that specializes in apologizing to angry rich people.

Sidekicks, LexisNexis, Paris Hilton... This post is like a glorious time capsule.


"Do you eat like this every night?"

I feel like Action Bronson is one pot roast nacho away from starting a show called Fuck, I'm Dead.

I had to ride my dad's Street Glide (he broke his hand in an unrelated incident and wanted me to pick it up, from the service department - go figure) and I tried as hard as I could to shut off my previous H/D experiences during the ride, and I still couldn't like it. The unhappiest engine I've ever seen, it doesn't

He also has 10-year-old Victory. No problems whatsoever. He's looking at new Indians now. The thing that always got me about his Harley is how crazy bad it shakes at idle. Just unbearable vibrations. Handlebars oscillating like two inches in all directions. Just crazy. I mean, I understand the appeal of loud and all

In 1987 I paid my cousin $9 to shut up about Metroid.

"Clown Shoes Pecan Pie Porter"

What, the rubber vagina or the dress?

Rule 34 in action! Also, should that plastic vag have a NSFW tag?