Look for reissues and used copies. Nothing says they have to be in collectible condition or first printings if you just want to read a particular author. Ex-library or Book Club editions are great for that and cheap. I have several Willeford Book Club copies and crappy quality paperbacks. John D. MacDonald I am mostly…
Thank you kindly. This is just a taste. I have 58 books by Donald Westlake. Including four copies of Kahawa alone and a signed first edition. Those early Parker paperbacks with the Richard Stark name only are very collectible and pretty valuable.
I thought Walter Olkewicz was a good comic Kelp but they screwed it up by making it a juvenile Gary Coleman movie rather than a Dortmunder movie with Gary Coleman in it. Good comic cast otherwise. Bad movie.
The big gem in The Hot Rock book is an emerald. Diamond in the movie.
John Carpenter and Kurt Russell was the best Elvis biopic.
Jean Lafitte’s treasure is still probably somewhere on the Louisiana/Texas Gulf Coast. Except also probably now under water due to subsidence, erosion, and sea levels rising.
The most intermittently useless members of AV Club.
No, these numbers are an embarrassment to Comedy Central, as they very well know. There is no way to spin ratings this low.
I am one of the few people who like that one too. Peter Boyle is fun as Lazlo.
Top of the world, meow!
“big year for Noah”
How about that anthem, huh?